Scavenger Hunt #103 - Feb 13-21

We luckily stumbled upon a small home based foodshop with a full set of musical instruments, enough to accommodate a small band... so we had some family fun and I got some sketches done.

#4 free space..Tone was playing piano
#5 come in pair -- electric drum set
#6 overlapping objects -- drum set



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Ai, thank you. Glad I went out yesterday because I ended up with a stomach virus today and barely left the couch. I didn't even sketch at home. What a fun find with all those instruments. I like Tone in action at the piano.

Jo, thanks. It looks very inviting unless you're out in it for too long and start to get cold.
Joan: Thanks... Sorry to hear of your flu... get well soon... Have a good resting.
I went to a charity orchestra concert this evening...

#7 use with hands ... a cello
#8 free space ...part of the band and the violin sololist

Joan, hope you are recovered. Lots of stuff going around.

Ai, love your musical times. Tone playing and then the live concert. Very nice!!
Ai, thank you. It takes a lot to keep me home and not sketching. Love the sketches of the orchestra members and their instruments.

Jo, thanks. I'm feeling a bit better from the virus (no appetite which is very rare for me), but the cold is still hanging on.

I did get out of the house for a short while today and sat in my mobile studio to catch a view of the fresh snow we had overnight. About 2-3 inches of fresh snow fell in our area.

3 - trees and buildings overlapping - watercolors
4 - man made (building on left and fence on the right)
5 - water related (snow)


This was my actual view.
Good Morning Dear Art Buddies - Thank you EVERYONE for your thoughts and prayers, SO MUCH🥰
I am hoping to get a sketch or two today. I want you to know that everytime I saw a construction machine I thought of you all, imagined you sketching with good joy. Thank You for that🙂🙃😄

Ai - Love, love, love that fun Bling!!! Those make happy. Sweet curvie lights...I like the depth of the bar lightbulb area. Nice sketch of playing card-quick sketches with good energy! Now that's a cool food shop idea....Tone on piano and Ai sketching. The orchestra , quintet? - those are rockin' sketches. That cello is right on!

JoC - The parking lot view has nice distance, wistful feeling......from Dr office, makes sense. Oh, good idea use toy construction - Tom has lots of antique those around. Great proportion, and the still, metal solid qualities are gathered in that sketch. It looks like the toy is longing to be moved by little hands.

Joan - lovely winter dead tree montage. I like the spattering - interesting quality. Glad you are feeling better. Wow!!! I mean WOW<WOW<WEEEEE - super snow sketch. I specially like the fencing on the right side of the sketch! Awesome work!!
#9 Man made -- the walking crowd celebrating the opening of the new double cabled suspension bridge, alongside the old sudpension bridge (a single cable one) ...done in directwatercolor about 45 minutes..the wind almost knocked out my superlight watercolor palette away...



Robin, thanks so much for your comments. Thinking of you!!

Ai, I saw you post this on FB and couldn't figure out why there were so many people. I zoomed in to see if it was a race or something, Glad you explained. It is always so windy on top of a bridge. Glad you were able to do the sketch and not lose your materials. Are they going to keep the old bridge or take it down?

6 - free space - direct watercolor of a bit of a snow scene


7 - back side of two patients - continuous ink line (Sketched at the doctor's office today. My cough was bad so I finally went and had it checked out...bronchitis...on meds now. They were quick and I was taken in quickly. Only time for one sketch.))

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Ai -- like the bright colored key chain trinkets, and the card ( made in Canada :) ). Good job on the music themed sketches and that bridge is fantastic! Seems like a scary place to stand, the photo almost makes me feel a little dizzy!

Jo -- I like the backhoe, that paper seems to have texture? You did one last week where I thought the paper texture looked great too! I have a couple strathmore "visual journals" that have my favorite paper, but I find that I don't ever use them because I'm saving them for something "special" that never happens. Which makes them useless compared to inexpensive sketchbooks that I'm not afraid to use!
My team ( cal bears ) is playing at a tournament in Arizona this weekend and they'll be home next weekend!

Joan -- the white gouache and watercolor look great, but I must admit my response was "brrrr" rather than "looks inviting! :) The second one is great but looks even colder, I hope you had the heater blasting in your mobile studio, and I hope you feel better soon.

Robin, Fletch, Joe1 -- 👋

We had a break this morning between storms, so I got out for a walk and then drew these trees from my car before it started pouring again.
#1 grows from the ground ( ink & ink wash )

a photo:
Joan, what fun to see in your portable studio. Your overlapping is great. I like seeing the snow but that is all! I like your new winter scene. The pine or ?? stands out and draws our eye and then the shadows keep it moving. Yay. Hope the bronchitis clears up. Nice backside.

Hi Robin, thanks for stopping in and commenting. Sometimes we lose focus when we have "life" interfere with art. Hopefully your endeavors will be happy and good.

Ai, oh my goodness. I would have been so dizzy, I couldn't have looked at the bridge. Well done and exciting. Lots of folks!!!

Ned, yes the Strathmore has a watercolor texture. I like it for watercolors, but I don't like their pastel paper. It has a grid, but is still slippery?? Pastels just slide off so one layer is it. I have a large Strathmore with smooth watercolor or mix media paper. It is nice, too. The 7.5 no name watercolor sketchbook I've been using is the same as you. I've saved it for like 20 years for the special sketches. Now it is time to finish before I expire!! Ha. Your trees growing from the ground are great. I like the shadows on the trunks and hints of leaves. Applause!! Pretty photo.

I sketched on my iPad with the app Brushes. On the coffee table #3 - a stack of junk papers and puzzle books and the blood pressure monitor.

Robin: Thanks so much for kind words. Hugs to you always.

Joan: Thank you. They still keep the old single cable bridge. Bangkok grows so fast... We need all the infrastructure help we can get. I normally am not a fan of modern things too much but a shot at getting up on a new bridge before they let the cars run is sure a great rare opportunity to sketch. ... I love the free space in gouache of the snow scene... the patients are in beautiful lines. I'm glad you got to see the doctor fast. Get well soon. Yes, it is great to see you thru your mobile studio

JoC and Ned: Thank you.... Yes, the bridge seems scary a bit and crowd but the organizer has done a good security check upon walking up the bridge from shuttle drop off points. We had to file a Google form of entry leaving them our mobile phone; plus they stamped our wrist. Once, you walk up higher to the elevation enough to see the main chunk of the bridge there were lots of space, public toilet buses parked on the side, and several of the food trucks ... In addition, there are plenty of guard officers to help blow whistles if someone attempt to do any risky move just to take a photo. Tone and I were lucky that we could get in-out using the shuttle bus without long wait.

JoC: Lovely digi of stack of medical tools and paper... I must have zillions of stack of craps in my artrooms...uhm...but I don't know If I wanna record them as sketch ... lol.

Ned: Lovely trees in the park... you created a nice depth of the rows of them.
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#10 below my waist ... a white french bulldog of our cafe's owner...she does not stay still




Ned, thanks. Nice sketch of the trees. Nice variety of shading in the washes. Hope the storms out there aren't too bad. Sounds like you are in for another round of them.

Jo, thanks. The cough was just hanging on too long and I was having trouble sleeping. I do feel a bit better this morning. :) I have to laugh about saving sketchbooks because they are good. I bought a special watercolor sketchbook eons ago when I visited the San Diego Watercolor Society. Each page was a sample of different watercolor paper. It was so special that I never used it. Now I don't even know where it is. Nice to see your digital sketch of those relaxed items together!

Ai, thanks so much. Sounds like they really prepared for the opening of that bridge. I don't know if I would want to stand there and paint. I'm not crazy about heights. Glad you were brave enough to do it. Love all the sketches of the bulldog. You did a good job of capturing his shape, even if he wasn't too cooperative.
The meds for my bronchitis are helping a little but I'm tired and don't have much energy. I did scoot out for about an hour before lunch to sketch and do a quick food shopping trip. Then I came home for lunch and a nap.

I dug out a very old deck of cards. I got these the first time I flew anywhere. A friend and I flew out to California to visit her cousin and then drove up the CA coast. It was maybe 1968/1969 and I was all of 20 years old. (I know because I couldn't legally drink in CA because the drinking age was 21, unlike NY where it was 18.) It was a memorable trip and we had a lot of fun. We went horseback riding and I got thrown off my horse. (I haven't been back on one since.) We met sailors in San Francisco who took us on a tour of their aircraft carrier. the time the airlines gave you all kinds of things when you were on board if you asked. I got the deck of cards. The box is really worn and I'm not sure if all the playing cards are still inside, but it was fun to sketch one.

8 - number side of a playing card - watercolors and ink
9 - back side of a playing card


10 - use with your hands - ink

11 - free space #2 - watercolors, white gouache, watercolor pencils in my Strathmore Tan Toned Sketchbook (Gotta sketch the snow while there is still some around.) This was done from my mobile studio in the parking lot by the Post Office this morning.

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Ai, love the bulldog. There is a house down the street where there are 5-8 out in the yard when Gene rides his trike. You did a great job. I'm still in awe that you painted the bridge right there!!

Joan, I have heard of so many folks with cough and breathing problems. Take care and hope you feel better. Hope you run across your sketchbook sometime. I didn't have too many as I didn't sketch much in the "old" days. I remember the airlines giving you cards, cigarettes and airline pins and color books for kids. So neat that you have the box. Nice sketch. I like the pen or pencil, I have a very similar pencil it is a Pilot. The snow scene with the balcony is so cool. Nice you could park at the post office.

We had house cleaners today and my pastel zoom class so didn't do any sketching. I was worn out. I did watch all the baseball games on the weekend as Gene was not able to move around. He is much better today. I'm not sure I said here that he fell and bruised his ribs.
Jo: Thank you for your kind words... but Jo & Gene and Joan as well, please take care of your physical health. I know you all are so active mind but sometimes, our bodies need a good rest to recover. I hope Gene, recover well.

Joan: Beautiful memory airline playing cards. Plus a super work on the gouache sketch of nature as well.