Ai -- like the bright colored key chain trinkets, and the card ( made in Canada

). Good job on the music themed sketches and that bridge is fantastic! Seems like a scary place to stand, the photo almost makes me feel a little dizzy!
Jo -- I like the backhoe, that paper seems to have texture? You did one last week where I thought the paper texture looked great too! I have a couple strathmore "visual journals" that have my favorite paper, but I find that I don't ever use them because I'm saving them for something "special" that never happens. Which makes them useless compared to inexpensive sketchbooks that I'm not afraid to use!
My team ( cal bears ) is playing at a tournament in Arizona this weekend and they'll be home next weekend!
Joan -- the white gouache and watercolor look great, but I must admit my response was "brrrr" rather than "looks inviting!

The second one is great but looks even colder, I hope you had the heater blasting in your mobile studio, and I hope you feel better soon.
Robin, Fletch, Joe1 --
We had a break this morning between storms, so I got out for a walk and then drew these trees from my car before it started pouring again.
#1 grows from the ground ( ink & ink wash )
a photo: