Scavenger Hunt #103 - Feb 13-21

Robin Gillis

Contributing Member
Hello Art Buddies……

Here we go with another nine days of sketching from life.

Please refer to previous hunt for extensive details and guidelines. Commenting is not necessary.

Here‘s hoping You get to catch and share something from your world.

1. Old
2. New
3. a stack
4. Two objects overlapping
5. Higher than your head
6. Below your waist
7. Use with hands
8. Pencil or pen related
9. & 10 - two different light sources
11. Grows out of the ground
12. Ma made
13. Free space
14. Corner
15. A button
16. A playing card - number/side
17. back side(decorarive side) of playing card
18. Product label
19. A piece of junk mail
20. Selfie
21. Vehicle
22. Comes in a pair
23. Free space
24. Backside of something
25. Bumpy
26. Water related

challenge - for #21-vehicle draw construction machine
Glad to get this posted.
My dear husband died Saturday morning.
What can I say….Thank you Tom for sharing your life with us. I will always love you.
Oh, Robin. So sorry to hear about Tom. I hope the good memories will soften the loss. Thinking of you.

Thank you for the Hunt. It will be a special one.
Robin, I am so sorry to hear that Tom has passed. He seems to have really fought hard and you did so much for him. I hope your special memories of him will ease your loss. ((Hugs!!)) 💔 Know that we are here for you.
#1 backside (and also the frontside) of keychain decorations .... Thai kids love to collect them and hang so many of them over their school backpack... Those two belong to Iris's. .... Sketched with markers and pen... on 11x14 inch Utretcht Sketchbook passed down to me from our late Hunt's friend Kirvin/Elizabeth ... about 15 minutes.

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Jo: Thanks so much ...a few more..

#2 two light sources
#3 back of playing card ...I got this set when I went highschool exchanged student in Vermont use it before though...The playing card package said "US. Playing Card, Co.Ltd" ... Made in Canada ...

Ai, very cool lights. And, super playing card. Fun you have had them for a while! Pretty.

Pine Cone, Hi there.

I sketched in the travel sketchbook, Strathmore, so watercolor pages. It is about 5 x 8 inches.
Number 1, free space - view out window at doctors, didn't finish, Acurite03
Number 2, vehicle - challenge work equipment Acurite 03 and colored pencil


JoC — Hi 👋

Ai and Joan and JoC and Robin and Joe/Fletch and Ned — I posted a brief comment to you on the previous event hosted by Ai, #102... ❤️
Jo: Thanks.... Wowza on the backho vehicle ... Awesome !!!

PineCone: Thanks for your kind words as always.
Ai, fun back and front of the keychain! I like your two sources of light...they will come in handy. The playing card has such a nice decoration and your version came out so nice.

Jo, nice view to sketch out of the window of the doctor's office. Bonus points to you for sketching the work equipment.

Pine Cone, I'll go over and check out what you posted as soon as I finish this.

1 - new snow from our storm on Tuesday - watercolor and white gouache on toned tan paper
2 - grows out of the ground (grasses and shrubs)
Joan: Thanks.... Amazing nature details well captured in your art. I feel the fresh snow and I wanna get bundle up and take my snow shoes out to explore.