Old commissioned still life


Supporting Member
Believe me, all the music notes and lettering were loads of fun.............NOT!!

Jesus! How perfect is this?! Wow, wow, wow! I can see the tediousness of this, but it all seems worth it. I hope you got the big bucks for such a beautiful work of art here. I'm proud to know such an artist like you sno. This is so outstanding. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Thank you, thank you Arty, that's quite a comment/compliment!! You're too kind. ☺️ ❤️

Thank you Trier! ❤️ I really think it was oil, it was several years ago.
I have listened to that song enough to hear Ella as I read your inscription (comic sans? 😁) You're both class!
Wow, this is really lovely, you must have so much patience, cetrtainly a lot more than me:)
I missed this one before. You did a fantastic job on the aged paper and notes.