My painting medium is now online.

Yeah, that was before I began using Canada Balsam, and Oil of Spike Lavender. Those mediums work, but they are not nearly as useful as the present version. Turpentine, as a solvent, is much too fast a dryer, and Canada Balsam is the "Cadillac" of natural resins, even better than Venice Turpentine, and MUCH more appropriate than Damar. No need for three, different mediums, either. One medium, applied to each and every layer will observe the "fat-over-lean" concept, without any major concern.
I'll have to check out the link, thank you.
I believe that it was one of those mediums that I was using (the ones that you showed in that list) , one day, when I became so frustrated with it, because it was becoming sticky, and gummy while I was working with it, that I quite literally "dumped" some Walnut Oil into it, merely because I had heard that Walnut Oil created a more slippery characteristic to the paint. Well, it surely DID, and I was sold on the use of it at that very moment.

Well, that was the conception of this, current medium. The addition of Walnut Oil worked so well that I just decided to take a bit of care to establish some proportions of the ingredients, primarily so that I could repeat the mixture, and have it be just as I wanted it to be every time. I had heard good things about Oil of Spike Lavender, so I traded the fast-drying Turpentine for Oil of Spike, and I traded the Damar for Canada Balsam. After establishing some proportions to assure proper flow, and application, my medium was born. I believe it was well worth my effort. because it meets every requirement I ever had for glazing, and layering of my paint. I have really not used any other medium since its invention.

Oh, I have used a bit of Galkyd, once or twice just to be able to claim to have had some experience with it, but I disliked so many things about it, and other alkyds that I haven't bothered with it since, even though I often was asked what I didn't like about alkyds. My list of dislikes was quite long, and I don't care to use mediums that I need to "put up with", or "tolerate", in order to use.

I felt that my oil painting medium should act as my right arm, assisting me in my application of paint, never needing to be "dealt with", or "accommodated" because of its characteristic. That is what this current medium of mine really is.