My painting medium is now online.


Well-known member
Robert Maynord, owner of "The Art Treehouse" asked me if he could mix, and bottle the ingredients of my painting medium, and sell it with my name on the label, and of course I was overjoyed to learn of such a gesture. Neither the ingredients, nor the recipe are "secret", or "proprietary", but many artists are hesitant to purchase all the ingredients separately, and mix them in order to create the medium. So, he felt it might be expedient for put it together, and offer it to those who may want to test it, or who just don't care to do the mixing.

Anyway, here is the link to the web page of "The Art Treehouse".

The first bottle of it sold yesterday, I believe. It went to someone whom I believe is a member of Wet Canvas.

While you are on the site, be sure to browse the entire site, because Robert has some very good products, at very reasonable prices, as well as many articles that relate to oil painting in some way. My article regarding the "Progressive Focus Method for Painting a Portrait", is one of the many articles on The Art Treehouse .\
I couldn't find it on Art Treehouse - do you have a link to the product page it's on, or tell where it's at on the site -- I didn't see it under "mediums".
Bongo it was the last one on the mediums page for me.

I had a look at the link, they have some very interesting looking knives and I'll be popping back, so thanks🙂
Congratulations Bill. I had a look and may have to purchase a bottle before long. Will have a better look at the whole site first. (y)
This is great news, your medium worked for me. I'm grateful for your instruction, glazing an apple, that I read over a decade ago. You deserve every success.
This is great news, your medium worked for me. I'm grateful for your instruction, glazing an apple, that I read over a decade ago. You deserve every success.
Wow......That's nice to hear! I believe I recommended different mediums back at the time I glazed the apples. But. now my medium of choice is this one of my own invention.
Bill . . . congratulations. So what is your medium? Is it related to "The Colonel's" secret recipe." I've tried dozens of recipes over the years, some of which contained quite a list of "stuff." I've finally settled on a simple one . . . equal parts (usually one half ounce each) of turp or oms, and linseed oil. That's it. Simple, effective and not hard to remember. Occasionally, I add about three drops of cobalt dryer. Good luck with your product . . . I'll start looking for Bill, Ben and Aunt Jamima.
Bill, the photo below of the medium you recommended 14 years ago is still taped to the underside of an old art box I keep.
Yeah, that was before I began using Canada Balsam, and Oil of Spike Lavender. Those mediums work, but they are not nearly as useful as the present version. Turpentine, as a solvent, is much too fast a dryer, and Canada Balsam is the "Cadillac" of natural resins, even better than Venice Turpentine, and MUCH more appropriate than Damar. No need for three, different mediums, either. One medium, applied to each and every layer will observe the "fat-over-lean" concept, without any major concern.