My latest project.


Contributing Member
I've decided to paint on of my favourite photos. Great memories. I've prepared 3 canvasses, small, medium and larger. I'm hoping by then I'll be ready for the large one. This is step 1, thought I had the master on this device but can't find it. Will post later, for comparison. Chalk marks are my measurements. 1000014343.jpg
This looks great already - love the colors!
Thanks Donna, hope I can keep them. Very rough, small. This is V2 of that one, wasn't able to get a better pic. It looks better than this suggests. The sky colours are all out of wack. Will try for a better shot later. This is oils, the last one was paster and a touch of oils. 1000014357.jpg
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This is a new canvas. Wrong dimensions, but I wanted to play with the composition. The building on the right looks like a 2 story "dunny"/outhouse to my Aussie mind. Either it goes, or a lose the yellow fence post. Oh the choices. It is chalk over acrylic blue base. Freehand sketch really. 1000014360.jpg