New Here


Well-known member

I'm an artist from Ontario, Canada and just joined Creative Spark. I admit, I started my art forum adventures in the other forum... but the only reason I mention that is because in lurking this site, I've noticed many familiar faces, so... hello to all of you, and hello to everyone I've yet to meet!

I work in all sorts of media, from drawing to painting. Charcoal is probably my favorite... but I also love Inktense, pastel and oil paint. But I'll happily use any medium I can get my hands on. I love having variety.

My favorite subject matter are botanicals/florals, insects/other invertebrates, surrealism and some portraiture. I typically aim for realism.

This seems like a nice site from what I've seen, so I look forward to meeting everyone and participating!

Thanks for having me.
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Hi TK H-H, welcome to the forums. Please make yourself at home. :)

I too am a big fan of botanicals and invertebrates, so I look forward to seeing some of your work!
Welcome to Creative Spark, TK H-H! So happy you decided to stop lurking and join us - we're a friendly group and always ready to enjoy the work of artists new to the group.

Keep posting and have fun!
Hi, TK H-H. Welcome to the forums, glad to have you here. We look forward to seeing some of your work.
Thanks everyone!

Hopefully I can share my current project soon. It's still in the planning stages. I'm struggling with color schemes at the moment. Once it hits the canvas, I'll have to post it up.
Hi TK, I look forward to seeing your work! I’m also from Ontario. It’s a nice group here. Welcome!🙂
Welcome, we visited Ontario several times and enjoyed soo much. Looking forward to your art work.