January Mood

Donna T

Contributing Member
I took a photo from the car on New's Year's Day (early evening) and challenged myself to crop it and make a painting of the snowy atmosphere. I used a palette knife and roller to try to prevent myself from putting in details. The mood and simplified values were what attracted me in the first place so I tried to stick with that. 14 x 14 Oil and cold wax on paper.

Donna, this is so good I want to stand up and cheer. The palette is so good! A perfect mix of grays and white to bring on that cold, January feeling. Brrr!! But those touches of purplish pink in the sky hint at more, like spring is just around the corner, and also give lovely depth to the scene.

I like the way you used the knife and roller to keep everything soft. Yay!! Great work. ❤️
Hi Donna,
Love this! This captures those cold cloudy dusk moments in winter with the thick atmospheres and when darker than the snow. Plus you added so much interest with the broken color creating the grays. Way to push yourself it’s a major success
This is so beautiful. I just knew it was a pastel as it was so soft. You have a magic touch in all media. 💕
Beautiful painting Donna. Love the mood and pallet, with the touch of warmth here and there. Good depth and depiction of fore ground snow.
That makes me cold to look at it.❄️ That means you've done a great job.❤️
Yep! I think you’re very good at creating landscapes with this “abstracted sense of reality” (if that’s the correct phrase…). Sophisticated colors. Layers of a dream.

(They’re ALL a pleasure to see, even though I don’t usually comment).
Terri, I’m just beginning to find my way with oils so your comments really give me a boost. I was afraid it might be seen as too depressing or something but I was hoping the pinks in the background might help counteract the grays (which are endlessly fascinating to mix.). Thank you.

Kyle, it’s so nice to see you here again! Thanks so much for your thoughts on this. I hope it’s not too cold where you are so you can get out and appreciate the snow.

John, thank you. Texture and depth are fun to explore with the oil/wax combo.

Hi Jo, thank you. I’ve done similar paintings with pastels and I realized that I hardly do snow on bright sunny days. I guess I prefer the quieter moods of the gray days.

Thank you Arnie. I started getting fussy with the foreground snow so the roller took care of it.

Thanks sno, a little cold will help us appreciate Spring more when it arrives.

Thanks Bart. Much appreciated.

Laf, those subtle colors do it for me too. Thank you.

Olive Oyl, your “abstracted sense of reality” phrase made my day because I started this trying to be abstract but reality snuck in as it usually does. Part of me feels like I failed at the abstract part but I am a little proud of myself for not allowing even one individual blade of field grass to be depicted. It’s funny that it was such a struggle. Thanks for stopping by.
Terri, I’m just beginning to find my way with oils so your comments really give me a boost. I was afraid it might be seen as too depressing or something but I was hoping the pinks in the background might help counteract the grays (which are endlessly fascinating to mix.). Thank you.
You're welcome! But this is not even remotely a depressing painting. :)

Have you spent any time studying Tonalism? If I had to give this painting a style I'd say it evokes a Tonalist feel.

If you never have, maybe some time look at works by James Whistler (as in, yes that Whistler) - especially his nocturnes. :) Also, Charles Warren Eaton, and George Inness, for starters. Eaton is a particular fave of mine.

Anyway - I think your inherent sense of color is impeccable. No need to second guess it!

I love the Tonalists Terri! Twachtman is a favorite but the sunsets by Eaton are jaw dropping. Those guys sure knew how to infuse a sense of poetry in their work.
Isn't that the truth? I'm happy (but not surprised) you're familiar with Tonalism. You have a few pieces now (including this one) that I think really captures the style. :)
Fantastic Donna! You are a Pro! Wonderful! Not depressing at all. I find these type of tonal landscapes mesmerizing.
Thanks Patricia and Christine. Christine, I’m just experimenting and getting used to the feel of oils. Thank goodness for the ability to scrape layers off and try again!