FYI - WetCanvas

I would love to be on both sites. However I continually have to log in... every.time. Even then, it has (from the beginning after the big move) had to involve a series of emails to tech support...every.time....and never mind the way it is set up now... it is such a loss... I do still go there to read, but I cannot access anything..
I still go and play the games in the Speakeasy sometimes and once in a while read a post in the Cafe but the whole darn site is too hard to navigate for me to be interested at all.
It's too bad about WC--to hear these things. I would have hoped they'd upgrade it again. Maybe they will. You never know.
I’m originally from there. I plan to keep using the forums there and I'm really hoping that they get the bugs worked out and it recovers but I'm a bit optimistic that it will go back to anything as great as it once was.....
I had read this post several days ago, I also wrote my thoughts after reading, but I thought of canceling it and not sending.
because I on both forums, I only took and did not give anything, apart from the ugly drawings. (while whoever wrote before me gave at least a pinch of himself and this includes beauty, culture, art, fantasy, poetry, humanity)

anyway 2 years ago i met wetcavans, some have before i started reading, looking for some art site but i didn't happen to publish before these (maybe a like).

I don't want to criticize toilet, I didn't give you anything but I just took you, just like here, so I shouldn't talk.

but I am so sorry that they thought of stripping Artyczar,
I think it doesn't make sense,
you wrote them, these messages we don't want to be sent, please don't send them again.
not expulsion, without notice. then.
personally, for now I follow both and in any case I agree with what you say.

however, some time ago I read that the transfers were over. honestly it's a shame because all those years, very talented and very generous artists had made it a beautiful gallery, a place full of everything, knowledge and also a lot of sympathy.
so with the transfer I hoped they would lose as little as possible,
it would have been nice that maybe they were doing another site but the old one you left without posting or transferring more.

on forum drawing and sketching, there were a thousand pages with posts, a thousand and one hundred, about, now 90 pages, bars, figures, at least those I remember have lost quintdi many posts. (and I think they underestimated this, if they said it before or motivated, perhaps an excuse, but not to me, the other users since the site was there, for example not seeing so many works of those present is already a sin,)
As for the things on the site, I think, I read that they continue to modify it, so I believe, I think they will solve at least some of the things.
I think they will improve it in this regard,
I've noticed that a lot of old posts are missing from WetCanvas. Frankly, the old posts were for me one of the best things about it, because there was a lot of experience with various methods, materials, and tools there. Most of that seems to be gone now.

In the past I frequented one of the watercolor forums and the oil technique forum, but in both cases admins allowed trolls to run riot, derail many conversations, attack others, and so forth until they became unusable for me. I still visit one of the wc forums, but the oil techniques forum is still overrun by trolls, so forget it.
On WC, I saw a post by WFMartin in which he suggested the site to Derek, DCam. It intrigued me, but I could barely remember the name. When I went back to check, the post was still there, but the sentence referring to CS had disappeared. Apart from wondering if I had imagined it, at the time I did not realise what was going on. I messed around with a few names and eventually found the site. It is such a shame more people don't know about it, as I am sure lots of people would like it here.
Just out of curiosity, I visited WC today. I was pleasantly surprised! They have a new format. Looks much more like this site. You still have to type your reply and then scroll down to submit but if they had used that format in the beginning, we might all still be there. :cautious:
Just out of curiosity, I visited WC today. I was pleasantly surprised! They have a new format. Looks much more like this site. You still have to type your reply and then scroll down to submit but if they had used that format in the beginning, we might all still be there.

Are you still limited to posting a single image per post?