At times, on Wet Canvas, that site that is portrayed to be so open-minded, and informative, used to come down on my comments quite often during the simple discussions, and arguments regarding such mundane things as "Primary Colors", and "painting mediums". One of the mods would actually try to bait me into confrontations, so that I could be legally accused of violating the "user agreement" with my more emphatic comments, and thus be banned. It was during that time that I took my discussions "underground", to the Private Message feature, so that I could calmly, and logically discuss those topics with other, interested artists, without being bludgeoned with threats of dismissal from the Mod.
It worked very well, and many other. polite, interested artists, and I were able to discuss topics, in an intelligent, calm manner, without interference from the administration, using the PM function. At one time, I could have used a SECRETARY to keep track of all my sent, and received messages on the PM feature! One time, on one forum, I posted an invitation for someone to "Please check your PM's", only to be accused by a Mod, that I have "violated the user agreement,", by having mentioned that. When I asked that he point me to the area of the user's agreement that forbade the making of such a suggestion, they couldn't, and so, I told them I probably would continue to do so, thus leading to a swift threat to ban me, just for being "insubordinate,", I suppose. Forget all the demos, articles, threads, and technical advice that I had offered to others who asked for help--I would be banned for offering advice, via PM's.
Needless to say, I continued to offer advice, and to carry on discussions via PM; however, I was extremely careful NOT to suggest to anyone that they "Check their PM's",
in the open forum!
. I did this for a very long time, as I recall.
So, gosh, if there was ever the slightest CHANCE that the contents of my PM's could, or would, be seen on the screens of the Administration of Wet Canvas, I would be deeply concerned!