FYI - WetCanvas


I just wanted to give those of you from WetCanvas a heads up that I've been banned from there because they feel I've poached people to come here through my private messages there. I never posted about CreativeSpark publicly on their site and never intended for anyone to stop contributing at WC. I made this site as an alternative/another place for artist to come to talk about art-related subjects more easily. That was my only intention and not to harm WC or the participants there. But it was against the rules for me to invite those of you here through private messaging and I'm sorry if I was misunderstood in any way.

So, we’re all free to come and go as we please and I’m pleased that we now have a pretty and functional place to yak it up and not be so moderated. It’s like moving into a brand new house. So THANKS to both of you for doing this and for the invitation. ❤️

I only have one question: can we swear?

I mean, I’m not as salty as Popeye (of course!) but sometimes I need to say things pussy willows are a bitch to paint....
OK, so they may ban us all, so what? I only go play the games on the Speakeasy when I get a notification that someone has updated it. The rest of the site is just too hard to navigate and it takes too much of my time to try and find anything. This little site is growing nicely, I think I'll just nestle down and make myself comfortable. ❤ ❤ ❤
Olive: Curse till the goddamn fucking cows come home.

Sno: You can make new threads in the Speakeasy here whenever you want. I hope we grow more but so far so good. It's been busy enough with the small group we have.
Olive: Curse till the goddamn fucking cows come home.

Sno: You can make new threads in the Speakeasy here whenever you want. I hope we grow more but so far so good. It's been busy enough with the small group we have.
I suppose some new threads would spice it up some. You and O.O be careful with your language, I'm soooooooooooooo embarrassed! 😂
I only curse when I really feel the need and do my best to not lay it on too thick. But in my normal conversation, I curse more than in my writing, and my writing is pretty conversational, so it slips out. Sorry, not sorry. ;)
I suspect it'll take wc! months to get it worked out, if at all. A wiser notion on their part could have been to reboot a fresh start rather than dragging all the old baggage into the new format. People screamed for a full transfer tho and to be fair there was a lot of useful info there - but, if it is truly useful the masses could have uploaded it afresh rather than risk transferring all the bugs and baggage into a new format. Course I'm not a geek, what do I know.
I check in with WC! regularly still, but it's a frustrating, awkward arrangement and progress seems to have stalled. Techs may be overwhelmed by what they got themselves into.

I agree that they have their hands full there and they've already put in so much work. Because of the time investment already, I can't see them changing the format yet again, unless they get someone who knows how to transfer the database over to a new platform, which IS possible. I mean, I'm not 100% sure if you can transfer WordPress to VBulletin or XenForo, but I think it is possible, depending on how the database runs. If they were able to transfer most of it to WP, I don't see why they can't transfer it again. It would just take the mods and admins a lot to get used to again and get it the way they want it to look and function, but not nearly as much time and work as they've been putting into this thing (WP). I wish I could have been some help there, but I didn't know how because I am not that technically savvy. They'd have to higher someone to do the transfer.
I used to have WP, and it is fine for setting up an art site or a blog but it is just not satisfactory as a forum.
Ewww ( the reading of private messages). There was a handful of times that I logged in and I ended up inside somebody else’s profile! I have no idea how or why that happened. I could have easily read their private messages but being a good girl, I exited immediately, and then re-logged in. It was disconcerting...kind of like seeing a fellow member naked or something.
If they're running the BuddyPress or bbPress forum plugin on WordPress (which they seem to be), by default, the WordPress admins can see everything on the site. That would include private messages.

That was pointed out as being problematic more than six years ago, but the makers of BuddyPress can't (or won't) fix it.

For the record, there's no way for admins or moderators to read anyone's private messages with this forum software.
If they're running the BuddyPress or bbPress forum plugin on WordPress (which they seem to be), by default, the WordPress admins can see everything on the site. That would include private messages.
That would explain a lot.......
Well, so far, no one there has verified whether they did or didn't, or if they could or couldn't.
You need verification that Mods and Admins have ethics? :( I confess that is rather disappointing to me.
Allow me to reassure you and the rest who are showing concern: No one reads private messages except the sender and the receiver of the PM.
You folks are dangerously close to slipping into the twilight of paranoia.
... No one reads private messages except the sender and the receiver of the PM.
You folks are dangerously close to slipping into the twilight of paranoia.
...and Security Officers never spy on their bosses.

If you believe that, I have a nice bridge for sale. Cheap. Cash only.;)