Another sweetie. Very nice, Anne. It sound like a lot of digital work.
Thanks for the comment. It did take some time but it is enjoyable so I don't mind. A pen and ink artist said that although the medium is time consuming, just relax and enjoy the process.
Kay, your fawn and sleeping cat are just wonderful. I love your range of values in the fawn and your variety of color in the cat fur.
Joy, thanks for your comment.
pcj, thanks for the comment. Your dalmation is beautiful. I love everything about it. He looks so relaxed. I also like how you did the ground. Thanks for the progress steps. Your fawn is beautifully done as well. It seems to be ready to leap off the page. I like how you gave him so much depth with your careful choice of dark areas.
I will post mine and come back later with comments on other's work.
Here is my,attempt at "Your Rescue Cat Chester" He was fun to paint. 6x9 acrylic on canvas sheet.
View attachment 15506
Cindypaintings, nicely done painting of this sweet kitty. One thing I notice is that the black fur is equally dark everywhere which flattens the painting. If you look at the reference, there are some areas that are a lighter gray where the light hits the fur. I see a light area on the edge of the shoulder on our left, the top of his head and a little down into the forehead. I even see subtle light areas above both eyes. There are also slightly lighter areas on the back edge of the front leg on our right and on his rump on our right. Also notice on the reference that the white fur under his chin isn't all white. There is a blue tint that morphs into a soft gray. The color differences are subtle but I have found that it makes a difference. It takes practice to see them, but it gets easier as you train your eye to look for them.
(I hope the critique was ok, you said C/C welcome.)
Thanks for your comment on my Dalmation.
EP, I love all your animals. I especially like the fawn and bunny.
Christel, nice cat on the rock. That looks as if it was very difficult to do. Amazing!