Call for Help from Writers


Well-known member
Hi folks. I know this is out of left field seeing most of us here are artists not writers.
I have completed a book of "memoirs" of my life as a kid in the bush in Australia. It's a series of the crazy stories we endured in the 1960's.... Often funny, sometimes sad, but all true, the hardships, joys... kind of an epic about endurance. It's, "almost" a kids book, certainly seen through the eyes if a kid.

I'm in the final stages of editing and I am on the lookout for an authoritive, quality endorsement. A BIG ASK!!!
Is there anyone with a suggestion or even an introduction contact to an author? Apart from a few artists friends, this is really out of my social scene. Oh, yes, I have a media PDF of excerpts, cover etc......
Thank you for taking the time to read.
Why do you want an author if you've already written it? I don't quite understand. Do you mean you need an editor? There are different types of editors (copy editing, developmental editing, proofreading, and it goes on...). It depends on what shape your manuscript is in.

You can look for independents through a system called IPED (Institute of Professional Editors), and there are directories for other types of ghostwriters if that's what you're looking for.

I know a bit about this stuff. Let me know what you're looking for. :)
Hi Arty. I'm looking for someone who may be willing to write a short blurb/endorsement...
Usually one,two sentences goes on the cover... " I love the book, etc etc"
Murray, having just published a memoir, I've run across services that promise for a fee to get you those juicy one-liner quotes from other authors or authorities. Sorry that I don't have a link to those. Try Googling, because such services exist.

However, do be aware that those blurbs may not really help much. Are you really likely to get a Keneally?

You can publish your book for starters without those quotes and add them later in some online publishing platforms. I did that and each time I get a true (not paid) review, I get to post that as news on social media, enhancing my opportunities to keep reminding people that the book is out there and worth reading. A different strategy to be sure.

On the other hand, I am not a best selling author as yet. LOL
Thanks Bart. Something to think about.
Murray, FWIW here's what I did. I used my Amazon blurb as the blurb on the back cover of my book and as the lead in to press communications (with modifications to fit different outlets). So far it seems to have been successful. In fact, reviewers are borrowing my own quotes for their articles.
cover for emailing full 2 sides.jpg
BTW, I wrote my own blurbs. I'm used to writing stuff for media in my professional life that grabs attention, so it wasn't hard, and it was after all my own "voice". But just for the sake of testing the waters I asked ChatGPT to write a blurb. And damned if it didn't do a reasonable job! I was really quite impressed.

I still used my version. My book, my voice. But the AI can help if you are unsure or as a double check.

And here I am decrying AI's destructive potential on this and other forums, while finding it might well have some upsides.... Oh My God!
Hi Bart. Like you I have been fearful of AI, the Blade runner or Terminator scenarios etc. I have been using Now at a bit, just comparing.
But at your suggestion, a run through ChatGPT was surpringly similar to my own draft, scary but useful.
Hi Bart. Like you I have been fearful of AI, the Blade runner or Terminator scenarios etc. I have been using Now at a bit, just comparing.
But at your suggestion, a run through ChatGPT was surpringly similar to my own draft, scary but useful.
Yeah, I'm seriously concerned about Skynet, but nobody remembers except Arnie, and he ain't talkin'.
Hi Murray. I see what it is you want. I have a few suggestions. First of all, typically, writers create ARCs (advance reader copies) of the book, which would be a paperback with no blurbs on it yet. You pass them out to other authors, editors of magazines, or other notable people you'd like to get blurbs from. You ask them to read the book and usually include a cover letter with it. Sometimes these people want a fee, and sometimes they do not. It depends on the person or the place you are sending the book to, or how well you know them. Or?

A lot of authors get on Goodreads and follow each other and trade their books to do this for each other, too. I got a few authors to do this for me.

There are also places that will review your book, and you can take any line you want from their review, even if the review isn't the greatest. There could be some stellar lines in the review even if it was like a grade B or C review. There are only a couple select pay services that review books that are considered reputable since they are paid services, like Kirkus. Most other paid services wouldn't be considered "legit." Kirkus has actual top editors and they give honest reviews in select categories, but it's a risk. You still have to pay even if you get a poor review. I think you might have the option of not having it published on their site, but I'm not sure of that. But no one gets a horrible review. I've never seen anything embarrassing or anything like that. It's all professional.

There is another place like Kirkus in the UK called LoveReading, and it's specifically for independent books. It's cheaper than Kirkus, though it's less well-known.

Depending on what subjects your book covers, you can ask notable people who are "experts" on those subjects and ask them if they would like to read your book or manuscript. Think outside of the box in this regard. Though I later took my book out of print, when I was hustling trying to promote it, I had psychologists and scholars who were experts in coercion, trauma, and family dysfunction. I got blurbs from them and only had to pay one to read my book.

It does take money to promote a book. It takes money to have it edited. It takes money to print up ARCs and ship them out. It's not a ton of money, but expect to sell out a little, at least. The more you can invest, the more you can do, and it's best to use it in intelligent ways because a lot of people out there will want to rip you off for their various services (editing, proofing, promotion, etc.). Be careful. There's a ton of money you can also save by doing things yourself.

Oh...(edit): there's also a place called NetGalley. This is another paid service. Different levels of membership I believe. But it gets the book in the hands of everyday readers, not "big shots." this would be if you would like Amazon reviews (you will need those too). This is great for PRE-RELEASE in the weeks right before your book officially drops. Just thought I'd mention it. I had about five reviews already sitting there before my book was released, and it was nice to have those there. It's like having a head start or a buzz on your book when it comes out.
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Hi Murray. I see what it is you want. I have a few suggestions. First of all, typically, writers create ARCs (advance reader copies) of the book, which would be a paperback with no blurbs on it yet. You pass them out to other authors, editors of magazines, or other notable people you'd like to get blurbs from. You ask them to read the book and usually include a cover letter with it. Sometimes these people want a fee, and sometimes they do not. It depends on the person or the place you are sending the book to, or how well you know them. Or?

A lot of authors get on Goodreads and follow each other and trade their books to do this for each other, too. I got a few authors to do this for me.

There are also places that will review your book, and you can take any line you want from their review, even if the review isn't the greatest. There could be some stellar lines in the review even if it was like a grade B or C review. There are only a couple select pay services that review books that are considered reputable since they are paid services, like Kirkus. Most other paid services wouldn't be considered "legit." Kirkus has actual top editors and they give honest reviews in select categories, but it's a risk. You still have to pay even if you get a poor review. I think you might have the option of not having it published on their site, but I'm not sure of that. But no one gets a horrible review. I've never seen anything embarrassing or anything like that. It's all professional.

There is another place like Kirkus in the UK called LoveReading, and it's specifically for independent books. It's cheaper than Kirkus, though it's less well-known.

Depending on what subjects your book covers, you can ask notable people who are "experts" on those subjects and ask them if they would like to read your book or manuscript. Think outside of the box in this regard. Though I later took my book out of print, when I was hustling trying to promote it, I had psychologists and scholars who were experts in coercion, trauma, and family dysfunction. I got blurbs from them and only had to pay one to read my book.

It does take money to promote a book. It takes money to have it edited. It takes money to print up ARCs and ship them out. It's not a ton of money, but expect to sell out a little, at least. The more you can invest, the more you can do, and it's best to use it in intelligent ways because a lot of people out there will want to rip you off for their various services (editing, proofing, promotion, etc.). Be careful. There's a ton of money you can also save by doing things yourself.

Oh...(edit): there's also a place called NetGalley. This is another paid service. Different levels of membership I believe. But it gets the book in the hands of everyday readers, not "big shots." this would be if you would like Amazon reviews (you will need those too). This is great for PRE-RELEASE in the weeks right before your book officially drops. Just thought I'd mention it. I had about five reviews already sitting there before my book was released, and it was nice to have those there. It's like having a head start or a buzz on your book when it comes out.
Great advice.
Hi folks. I know this is out of left field seeing most of us here are artists not writers.
I have completed a book of "memoirs" of my life as a kid in the bush in Australia. It's a series of the crazy stories we endured in the 1960's.... Often funny, sometimes sad, but all true, the hardships, joys... kind of an epic about endurance. It's, "almost" a kids book, certainly seen through the eyes if a kid.

I'm in the final stages of editing and I am on the lookout for an authoritive, quality endorsement. A BIG ASK!!!
Is there anyone with a suggestion or even an introduction contact to an author? Apart from a few artists friends, this is really out of my social scene. Oh, yes, I have a media PDF of excerpts, cover etc......
Thank you for taking the time to read.
Out of interest, from another Aussie, which section of bush?
Hi Jennie. West Australia, about 12 miles east of Collie.
I'm in Central Qld bush now north of Bundy, soth of Gladstone, but was born in Pemberton, and have a good friend with long term links to Collie. She is a great editor, has been doing it for years. Did a couple for me. Let me know if you'd like to contact her. She normally responds in a couple of hours. Jennie