Wisconsin Haybales Video

Kyle Martin

Well-known member
Hi Everyone,
This painting is 12x16” and was painted one morning in June, dairy month.
I grew up farming and I love these kinds of scenes.
Let me know what you think and how your summer is treating you.
Thanks for looking,



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Thank you for the video. 👍🏻
I grew up on a farm too, and I’m quite nostalgic, especially about hayfields. I remember haying as a child when we had the little rectangular bales and some of us would be on the wagon and some of us would be in the field. Throw them onto the wagon. Before that, they had been stacked into small pyramid shapes to dry (5 bales each). And of course, the *fun* haying in the hottest part of summer, were the guys up in the mow. We would throw the bales onto the elevator, and the young men at the other end had to stack those bales full high up in the barn. The heat was unbearable. And yet wonderful memories. We are all hot and exhausted, but you had to get that hay in before rain! The entire family and neighbours helped. Now it’s all fancy equipment that makes round bales and pick them up and move them. In the Mennonite area, we see them doing it in the even in an older method. Using pitchforks and making piles of loose cut hay, and letting them dry and then take it in. It was always in our minds that there could be fires in the barn from the heat in the hay.
Now I am going to watch the video…
Our local artist who was Mennonite, a modern Mennonite, but after went back to the old Mennonites, he was related to locally and depicted them in his paintings. Photos were not allowed.
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Hi Kyle.

That was great. I liked seeing you “in person” and hearing your voice and watching the way you work (nice painting!) The scene you found is serene and lovely. And hooray to “painting shapes” and round hay bales and red eyeglasses and a gift of fresh eggs.

You and I live and operate in opposite worlds (like 100 degrees in the brown and desolate southwest kind of different). So thanks for sharing this day and bringing us into YOUR world.
I watched the video. Awesome. So helpful and well done! I enjoyed it. That sky was fabulous with those colours. Yes to the atmosphere!
You and I share the same experience. The love of the country is in us.
Thanks so much for sharing another great video, Kyle! I always learn something and this time it was about how you use “valhues.” I loved hearing the cricket in the background and think your painting really captured the beauty of the field. I grew up watching my uncles make rectangular bales that shot out of the baler into the hay wagon - until the twine inevitably got tangled up and they had to stop and fix it. I hope you’re getting in lots of painting time this summer!
Yeah hay time was hard work. I wrote a whole story in my memoirs about it. By the time we got to bringing in the bales, we loaded them onto the old pickup truck and stacked them, load after load. And of course kicking each bale over BEFORE you picked it up incase there was a snake under it! Those were good days tho. Thanks Kyle.