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      AZabstract reacted to Mississippi Hippie's post in the thread Abstract feedback with Like Like.
      It might be one of the best books I own! I rented a library book on different acrylic mediums and how to apply them and that helped...
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      AZabstract replied to the thread Abstract feedback.
      Thank you so much!! I love putting my stuff out there but finding the avenue to do so has been hard, I have an instagram for it, and...
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      AZabstract replied to the thread Abstract feedback.
      I’ll definitely look into that, I hadn’t even thought about a book like that to use. Thank you so much for this reassurance as well...
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      AZabstract reacted to Mississippi Hippie's post in the thread Abstract feedback with Like Like.
      I hope you keep posting your art here and showing it to people. It adds a nice dimension to your painting, and people will like to see...
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      AZabstract reacted to Terri's post in the thread Abstract feedback with Like Like.
      Welcome! What's important at this stage of your artistic journey is just putting stuff out. Following through on the process...
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      AZabstract replied to the thread Abstract feedback.
      Thank you! I’m definitely here to learn I’m glad to hear from everyone. I am very surprised the blue one is getting that much attention...
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      AZabstract reacted to Donna T's post in the thread Abstract feedback with Like Like.
      Nice collection of paintings, AZ, and it’s good to know you’re enjoying the process. I like the blue one best too but I tend to prefer...
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      AZabstract replied to the thread Abstract feedback.
      I can’t believe I forgot my most recent one in the initial post, here it is.
      • Snapchat-636426433.jpeg
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      AZabstract replied to the thread Abstract feedback.
      Thank you so much for the kind words and feedback! I would say you’re definitely right, a lot of mine so far are usually just playing...
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      AZabstract reacted to Artyczar's post in the thread Abstract feedback with Like Like.
      Hi AZ, Welcome to the forums. It's great that you've started painting. I don't think one needs to go to school to learn how to paint...
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      AZabstract replied to the thread Abstract feedback.
      I’m glad this called to you and thank you so much! I used a course medium to mix In to the paint so the whole thing is textured. This is...
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      AZabstract reacted to Hermes2020's post in the thread Abstract feedback with Like Like.
      Welcome, AZabstract. I am no expert, as I also had no formal art education. So, for what it is worth, the one that appeals most to me is...
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      AZabstract replied to the thread Abstract feedback.
      Thank you so much! I first one is one of the most recent ones I’ve completed. I appreciate your kind words so much! I’m glad it speaks...
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      AZabstract reacted to JennieJo's post in the thread Abstract feedback with Like Like.
      Welcome. I'm like you, create abstract art works, didn't complete any art courses at University, except a few photography units I keep...
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      Hey everyone, I am looking for some feedback on my art pieces. I’ve been painting for about 2 years now, I didn’t go to school or...
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