Which 5 art related things did you do last week?


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My 5 art related things I did last week.

Sunday afternoon paint with my new icy colors watercolors.

Sketchbook 12 x 12 cm , painted pages watercolors, gouache, acrylics, mixed media.

Watched some Arte.tv for landscape inspiration.

Looked up paintings online, see ArtProf youtube video.

Sort out acrylics paint tubes see what I have and thinking about maybe some new colors.
- Worked on a butterfly drawing
- Worked on a bunny drawing
- Matted and framed an owl drawing for long time colleague who is buying it
- Partner showed me his in-progress wood carvings
- Updated art blog

Love this question!
1. Read “All Fours” by Miranda July (film director, screenwriter, actress and author) about a semi-famous artist who decides to drive cross-country. A sexual awakening ensues. Recommended reading because it was fantastic!

2. Got accepted into a show called “Women’s Work 2025” at a local gallery. It was 40 artists out of 600 applicants and they chose a painting of an ancient Japanese fertility goddess with googly eyes and strange boobs. She’s posted around here somewhere. Yay me.

3. Am working on a large canvas about immigrants (yep!) and I wanted to put some old timey landscape behind them so I’m copying prints of olde Quebec and Sicily. I am sooooooo not a landscape painter so it’s a bit of a challenge. Fingers crossed.

4. The front yard plants got their first haircut and they look like a newly shorn poodle…bald and awkward! He (landscaper) also rearranged the river rock “trails.” (We all have rock yards out here in NM…no grass). I bought 3 ceramic pots waiting for their ornamental grasses, soon to come. This is all kind of artsy, right?

That’s all I got.
And it was stretching a bit to get there.
* put final (maybe) touches on an oil portrait of my grandson and son in law
* went to life drawing Sunday night
* sorted out watercolours and other materials ready for my (adult) student
* watched some watercolour videos for ideas
* culled some drawing materials that are past their use-by

Thanks for asking!
It's fun seeing what all of you have been up to.

* ripped out articles from art magazines and so I can keep the useful ones and let the rest go
* attempted to paint a cow from a photo reference and realized how hard it is to paint cows
* thought about organizing some sort of informal drawing activity with the neighbor kids when it warms up
*picked up a free framed print only to realize the frame is plastic and the mat is thin, cheap and unusable. Lesson learned.
* made four chickens that I stuffed with rice to become little beanbags for kids. Fine art! haha
Half way through my acrylic canvas painting.
Started botanical watercolor.
Read one chapter a day from different art books.
Completed art and craft mini projects with grand kids on weekends.
Interesting to read other artists' activities.
I'm currently playing around with mounting some transparent (gel medium) image transfers over a painted canvas. A idea that may or may not work. Haven't had a lot of time to play with it.

I also regularly clean cat hair off the drafting table. Hey, it gets me in there. :LOL: