John, it sounds like you're doing well so far. Keep it up. You can do it, and there are no hard-fast rules. In my opinion, anyway. When I quit all the things I did, I may have "slipped up" a couple of times, but I just got back on my intended path and lived a better life for me. I let "others" get disappointed in me if they wanted to, but I knew what I was and wasn't capable of. I'm just saying, be kind to yourself.

And congrats on your entries into the juried show. Good for you!
Christine, I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! Thank goodness! Oh, my gawd, your dog melts me! You have no idea how much she tickled my heart. What a face!
Ellen, congratulations on getting through so much! You are strong and an inspiration!
I have been BUSY! I'm working on the last of the details of my show--the last major piece (the sculpture), which, believe it or not, has a lot of technical, or rather physical engineering issues, to it that Hannah and I are trying to get squared away. We've had to figure out how to make it come apart and install it on site because it can't be transported in one piece, etc., blah, blah, too boring to explain.
I've also been working on the promotional aspects, and I recently joined a network for mid-career artists, strictly to find out what the hell I want to do with my future. I'm trying to reevaluate my goals and such. I've been in kind of an existential crisis, I guess. Meanwhile, I started talking to a small gallery in Brooklyn about possibly showing there. While that sounds exciting and everything, all that comes with expenses.