What are you up to?

Hi Kay…yes, they use prickly pear cactus in cooking. I only had it once in a skeevy saloon place with guns and taxidermy on the walls. I thought it was guacamole (was green and served with nachos) but it had rubbery hard chunks and looked strange. That’s when I realized it was something gross and made from cactus. But…I have to imagine it can taste better if it was made by a much better cook. This was NOT a fine-dining establishment.

Oh PB…I’m so sorry for the medical issues and hope things turn around for you. All of that just…sucks. But I admire your determination and you seem to be in good spirits. True? If it was me, I know I would be whining and bitching and hissing up a storm.

Brian…although ABQ leaves something to be desired, being in NM is great. Now YOU seem to come across animals all the time but I think ours hide during the day…maybe to get away from the heat and predators. That’s why it was so exciting to see one lone little jackrabbit.


But guess what? I saw my first rattlesnake a few weeks ago! Weirdly, it wasn’t on any nature walk. It was a few blocks away in my cookie-cutter neighborhood, sitting at the edge of a cement driveway. He was copper-colored with black diamond markings but I walked right past him. I was alone, talking to myself (I’m sure), with my head down and thinking about all the (huge!) dead millipedes on the ground. A guy on a bike rode by, but then turned around, pointed behind me and said, “There’s a rattlesnake.” Me: “Is it dead?” He: “No, it’s alive….just chillin.” Now I remembered reading that they can leap/wriggle/dart the length of their body in an instant. I calculated I was about 12 feet away and so with two quick snake movements, he could attack me and I would die. I knew I couldn’t run away (those days are long gone) so I said, “Well, I’ll just let him do his thing and will mosey along.” Like a good little cowgirl.
Brian…although ABQ leaves something to be desired, being in NM is great. Now YOU seem to come across animals all the time but I think ours hide during the day…maybe to get away from the heat and predators. That’s why it was so exciting to see one lone little jackrabbit.

I suppose there may be fewer animals, but the desert itself is rather beautiful.


But guess what? I saw my first rattlesnake a few weeks ago! Weirdly, it wasn’t on any nature walk. It was a few blocks away in my cookie-cutter neighborhood, sitting at the edge of a cement driveway. He was copper-colored with black diamond markings but I walked right past him. I was alone, talking to myself (I’m sure), with my head down and thinking about all the (huge!) dead millipedes on the ground. A guy on a bike rode by, but then turned around, pointed behind me and said, “There’s a rattlesnake.” Me: “Is it dead?” He: “No, it’s alive….just chillin.” Now I remembered reading that they can leap/wriggle/dart the length of their body in an instant. I calculated I was about 12 feet away and so with two quick snake movements, he could attack me and I would die. I knew I couldn’t run away (those days are long gone) so I said, “Well, I’ll just let him do his thing and will mosey along.” Like a good little cowgirl.

Snakes will generally not go out of their way to attack people. And I would guess that if you got close enough that it began to feel threatened, it would start to rattle and you would hear it. Or so we hope: I'm told in areas where rattlers are persecuted, they have now evolved into forms less likely to rattle.

In the meantime, as often happens, I woke up very early, and checking the online news, saw that there was a partial eclipse of the moon predicted for, er, Tuesday. Fat lot of good that does me on Wednesday morning, I thought. But when I went for my morning walk around 4 am, there was still a bit of shadow on the moon, and indeed, it was still there by 5 am when I returned home, so I took a quick photo:

2024 Partial eclipse, 18-9-2024.JPG

Bit blurry because of the low light, but it captured the deep orange color - this is the kind of moon one hopes for on Halloween. :)
I'm currently exploring Paris

The Olympic flame is gone but the orb is still there, not far from the Louvre
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The Arc de Triomphe still carries the Paralympic symbol

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Very neat trees in the Jardin du Luxembourg
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Sacre Cœur - a lot of steps but worth it
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Gee! Not only did they take their statue back (Liberty), they also grabbed the Unisphere from the '65 World's Fair! 😂🤣😂🤣