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      Rich53 reacted to Balaji's post in the thread Guffawing with Like Like.
      Ayin, Rich... Thank you. Ayin... I am back at work and did not find the time to sketch or paint this week. But I am planning to go our...
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      Rich53 replied to the thread Guffawing.
      Excellent! It reminds me of Warren, a guy I worked with back in the 70s. He'd be in his cente-teens (110 or so 😮) today, and probably...
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      I think the open line sounds good, I would try them! Thankyou! I’ve been moving for a long time, and thrilled to have a place again!
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      Rich53 replied to the thread Who'd'a Thunk It?.
      Sure was! Maybe I'll dig out my enlargements and scan them...
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      Rich53 reacted to Terri's post in the thread Who'd'a Thunk It? with Like Like.
      Yep, same here. I used a large plastic storage tub that could hold a couple gallons of water. Enough to easily slip 6-8 prints into...
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      Rich53 reacted to Hermes2020's post in the thread Your choice of medium/media? with Like Like.
      When I play at being a painter, my preference is for Winsor & Newton Griffin alkyds, wherever possible. I love how they handle like...
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      Rich53 reacted to Ellen Easton's post in the thread Your choice of medium/media? with Love Love.
      Mine is watercolor. I like it because of the ease of clean-up for one thing. And it's way easier to do plen air with. I started out...
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      Rich53 reacted to PaintBoss's post in the thread First painted rock with Like Like.
      Well, it’s my daughter‘s birthday. She’s an adult, but she lost her two beloved bunnies and misses them terribly. So I painted this as...
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      Rich53 replied to the thread Who'd'a Thunk It?.
      "But getting good colours involves too much fiddling with software." Especially when the chief purpose of computers is "to irritate...
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      Rich53 reacted to Rikard's post in the thread Who'd'a Thunk It? with Like Like.
      I had my own tiny darkroom up until like 7 years ago when we moved and our kids were born. Now there isn't really a space to set one up...
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      For years I have used the old string method to draw the circles in my paintings. This is a bit of a pain in the ass when you are...
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      Rich53 replied to the thread Who'd'a Thunk It?.
      Hi, Terry! Thinking back, my high school darkroom had 4 print trays: developer, stop bath, fixer, and water. The water kept the prints...
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      Rich53 reacted to Terri's post in the thread Who'd'a Thunk It? with Like Like.
      I'm thrilled for you! Powder chems have an almost indefinite shelf life, just waiting to be mixed up. I'm in the exact same...
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      Rich53 reacted to Artyczar's post in the thread Who'd'a Thunk It? with Like Like.
      Investing in your craft is always a good idea. :)
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      Rich53 reacted to Hermes2020's post in the thread Who'd'a Thunk It? with Like Like.
      The last time I did any developing and printing in a darkroom was when I was a student and was allowed to use the very well equipped...
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