September Watermedia Challenge


Here are your references to paint in watermedia, any watermedia such as watercolor, diluted acrylic, gouache, ink, acrylic ink, etc. Post within this thread any time during the month.

Friends mule.jpg

A friend's rescued mule

Rocky shore.jpg

Rocky shore

Townscape chicago.jpg


Friends daughter.jpg

Friend's daughter


Chrysanthemum pots; it is time for fall

Onions Pepper and Plant.jpg

Onions, bell pepper and potted plant in studio window


White and pink hollyhocks at my studio


That is all! Enjoy!
eyepaint, what a great collection of sketches. I love them all. You inspire me to think differently.

I was already working on the still life with pepper. A labor on Labor Day in the USA. This is in a Strathmore watercolor sketchbook, about 9 x 12 inches with assorted watercolor and Micron 02 ink.
Thanks Kay for the photos and always for your encouragement to try watercolors.

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Jo, that is lovely! Amazing you got such a fresh piece and bright colors out of mediocre paper.
Thanks, Joy. Actually the paper is Bristol, 100 lb. Not bad for a sketchbook. It was a gift. In general Strathmore paper is not a favorite. I find the pastel paper they have is very gridded and slick. MiTeintes is so much better. I don't have much experience with watercolor as you know.
Eyepaint, congratulations on being #1 this month. You have a nice collection of sketches. My favorite is the horse.

Jo, nice work on the veggies. I love the shine on the pepper and red onion. I also like your suggestion of the plant without getting too bogged down with detail.

I managed to do a couple. They are both pen and ink and watercolor in XL Mix Media Sketchbook. They are roughly 4"x6" each.

I started with a freehand pencil sketch, then inked with a Micron 005, then I added the watercolor.

Thanks for hosting Kay.

20230906Sk8 Pumpkins (Watermedia).png

20230906Sk8 Pepper & Onions (Watermedia).png
Ep - Beautiful sketches and I thinkthe potrait is my favorite too!
Jo - Wonderful still-life! Love those purple shadows!
Anne - Wonderful sketches from you too! You do amazing work with your watercolor and pen!
EP, all are just delightfu!
Nice work Jo on the window grouping!
Anne, these two are so very fresh!
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Beautiful pictures, especially that rocky shore line im really craving to paint.
Maybe I will find time and confidence to do it.

Great artwork so far too.
I like them all
Hi everyone and thanks so much, hope to do another soon. You all inspire.

Anne, ams, I love the pumpkins and other veggies. You have a nice drawing touch and an eye for color. Love the ink with watercolor.