Sea Turtle and Betta Fish in Watercolor


Supporting Member
These were posted for challenges, but I am such a painfully slow painter that they were posted very late to the other participants. Both I was ready to bin until my husband encouraged me to slog along. The sea turtle is 11 x 8, and the betta fish is 9 x 8.


They're both beautiful, Joy. I love the delicacy of both pieces. I really like how you handled the backgrounds too. I'm so glad you didn't bin them! 🙂
Oh, it would have been a shame to stop working on these! Your husband was right to encourage you. Both have beautiful backgrounds of water yet they are represented so differently! Bright vibrant colors in each one.

You're smart to resist putting time pressure on yourself. These are both worth your careful efforts!
Ayin, what a lovely thing to say! That really brightened up my Monday. Courtesy of the many library cards I possess, I get several art mags digitally.
Joy, these are very beautiful! Glad you kept working on them and didn't give up. 🐢 🐠 💞
These are just gorgeous, Joy! I love the softness and careful choice o light placement. WOW!
Sandra, you opinion means a lot to me, as I am a huge admirer of your work.
Both are absolutely beautiful! I love how you did the coloring on the turtle’s “white” undersides.
Donna, so encouraging!
Geoff, I often take so much time I get sick of the painting. If I worked more quickly, I could move on to something else and learn more..
Margaret, you are an exceptional artist and your comment is greatly appreciated. I just binned something I attempted today, which I hate to do. Usually if I "stick it out" I can get a passable result, but this was beyond saving.
Those are just wonderful Joy. You’re such a wonderful artist. And I have the ultimate proof- besides your work on this post which I’m glad you completed. My 23-year-old daughter finally left the nest. She moved out two weeks ago and they decided to pick some artwork to take, an amazingly, they actually decided on some of my stuff. Which she treated like meh, over the years. So recently I’m hearing approval and even some kudos! But the first thing she chose was your painting of our dear dog that you so generously gave me. She said, mom I hate to take this from you. I said well it’s for the family and I’m keeping the dog so the least you can have is the beautiful portrait. I’ll tell you she was pleased as punch. She said she will have it till the day she dies, she will never ever get rid of it, and it’s always going to be with her wherever she lives. Her boyfriend added what a wonderful artist you are because you captured the dog’s likeness so well. Yes, indeed!
The entire family was discussing your skills as an artist and how much they cherish that painting!🙂🙂👏🏻
So I see all your little practice pieces here and I’m not surprised, just delighted.
Margaret, you are an exceptional artist and your comment is greatly appreciated. I just binned something I attempted today, which I hate to do. Usually if I "stick it out" I can get a passable result, but this was beyond saving.
I think we all see failures in our own work from time to time. We are our own worst critics. :giggle:
Christine, thanks ever so much for the exceptionally lovely comments and encouragement. It was dumb luck that I happened to capture the likeness of your dog so well, as that was not good paper and it was a relatively quick painting (for me). I was just trying to participate in the challenge, so I am really tickled that your family enjoys it so much. It is also wonderful that they appreciate your fine work. :love: