Scavenger Hunt from Life #95: Dec 14 - Dec 22

Ned.- love the bridge. Am looking at painting trees in watercolor and your umbrella tree is textbook.

Ai - Great job on the Throne Hall! Like how you capture the light glow colors on the building and the glow on the Temple.

Robin - Nice set of associations👍🏽. Praying mantis is so cool. The sculpture and the rendering. Gator clip is also cool.😂. Bunny gets its own room?

JennieJo - The drawing quote leaves out the “need to drawl and the feeling when you get in a zone.

Joan - Cool Sketchmas results! Your crowd around the ring is excellent. Looking at the toy soldier and the supermarket sketches which leave me amazed at the detail you capture. Nice gnome digi. Nice shading on the dog.

Joe1 - Super job on the gnome sketches. Love them.

Jo - Nice pen work.

Keep sketching
Ai -- Wow! Those are gorgeous, both in different ways. I think I like your painting of the throne hall better than the real thing. The dark sky in the 2nd one almost makes it glow.

Robin -- that cricket drawing is so cool!

Joan -- thanks. I watercolors with me again today. I didn't use them, but it's going to be good to have the option.

Jo - hi!

JennieJo -- Hi! I spent most of my life thinking "I can't draw". One reason I draw now is that part of me is surprised when the result is recognizable at all. I like to think even sketches have some part of how we see the world in them, and I like the feeling I get while drawing. Sometimes I think that feeling is the most important reason to do it.

#2 picnic table at the "umbrella tree" at Sonoma Mountain Regional Park.
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Thanks Ned, realistic drawing just takes me forever to create what I want. Sketching with quick free strokes is more enjoyable. But is really just a fun distraction. I am currently working on a practical use for them



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Fletch- WOWWEEEE - taking the hibiscus to another level! The ínintense easily carry me away…you handled them well….you graphite studies probably helped your definition express so well……

Jennie- nice lot of various sketches…..
I really like the fourth sketch! His strength of character shines through! (Even though I keep looking for something in his hand – a tumbler? a card hand?) He's determined to keep going no matter what.
Robin, thanks so much!

Fletch, I love the hibiscus! The intense pencils were perfect for this with their vivid colors. Well done! Thanks for your comments which always make me feel good.

Jennie-Jo, I like your free stroke sketches. They capture a lot of the energy of the figures.

I was planning on making my pierogi today for Christmas Eve dinner. I knew I would be busy most of the day so once the dough was made this morning I did a quick continuous line sketch of a few of the items that were still on or near my cutting board. Then I added some watercolors.

9 - kitchen utensils - watercolors and ink
Fletch: Thanks.... Glorious hisbiscus... beautiful

Jenny: Thanks ... Very cool and expressive figures... Im feeling Friday festive !

Joan: Thanks... For once, I feel your mushroom+utensils has both your beautiful wc characters with the dazzling lines and your hand writing is so pretty... I never seen your long message hand writing like this before ... as Robin would say "Sweet !!!"

All: Thanks for your kind words of support.
Jennie - Nice sketches.

Joan - Amazing continuous line drawing and you to k it up a leve by adding color! Thanks for the kind words.

Robin and Ai - Thank you really appreciate your comments.

keep sketching
Hi Robin, thanks.

Oh, Fletch, the hibiscus is amazing. Very beautiful and rich color!!

JennieJo, love your abstracty sketches. Your shapes and lines are very intriguing. Thanks for sharing here. I agree with Rich53.

Joan, I really like your food sketch with the writing around. Fun. I would sure like to try your pierogi one of these days.....

We baked cookies today, the New Mexico biscochitos and some gluten free peanut butter cookies for me. I teased the adult kiddos, Jennie and Larry, that we were just like our own Hallmark movie. The granddogs are here. Yay.

I realized late that I had to put up the list. Didn't get any more sketches. Put up the tree yesterday. Recycled from 2021 You have a day still to sketch here, but the new Hunt is up.

Hope all is good for the holidays.
:) somehow I thought I already commented on some of these, I definitely looked! :) I'm behind.

Ai -- "sub garden gnome" made me laugh but I can see it! That glowing temple is really neat because it's so abstract, but we so strongly see people that the figures you put in give it scale and make it super interesting. I like both the ones with black skies, it's very dramatic. Then sub sculpture students :) they do look statuesque.

Joe1 -- the gnomes are great, and I really like the very first one it has great gesture and feel to it.

Joan -- the supermarket sketch is great! I don't mind standing while I draw very much, but I wouldn't have the nerve to do it in a market. Although I might be changing.... someone came up and leaned right over me at that umbrella tree, and I didn't really care... I just thought my sketch is what it is and I don't really care if he sees it. He said something nice like "I wish I could draw like that" and it made me remember myself thinking the same not all that long ago. -- that gnome looks cold and like his beard is frozen! :) -- cute dog! -- I like when you use that "splattery" style like the pierogi and it fits the continuous line. That one is super. It gives me a feeling of deja vu, I think you might have sketched pierogi before?

Jo -- mirror sub I-mac! This place and you all are truly wonderful :) The different ways you add shading look more and more natural and free. ( I usually notice it in your trees... )

Robin, like the character of that alligator. Like the blue ink underneath it too.

Fletch -- nice shading and you got good contrast in there to make the drawing "pop". You also reminded me of a birdhouse that's in the back window... Wow it's amazing to see a hibiscus in December. No chance of growing that here. Like your bright colored rendition! Painting trees in watercolor would be a fun class, I have a lot to learn still!

JennieJoe -- I really like the 3rd one, it is like a snap impression of a mood or feeling at that place. Thanks for showing that!

This was going to be my "rainy day" one, but I was surprisingly busy during the rainy days. Ended up being the "after dinner" one.

#3 garden birdhouse sub birdhouse my niece gave me. Played with tombows again :)


Ned, very cool birdhouse. Fun gift. This has been a great group. Fun that folks come in and out depending on their situation. We have been doing this so long. We've seen Ai's daughters grow up and made friends.

See all y'all next Hunt.
Joan …happy continuous food line ..Bon appetite

NedL —- great job on the bird house ….looks cozy

two more for this hunt….quickies. Me and a girlfriend make the ramp hoping T would be getting around but he can’t even stand with assistive…..
Yes, thanks to everyone for posting you work and comments when possible…thanks and best wishes to all sketchers past and present(y)🥰
Robin -- yay another birdhouse! :) I hope the ramp will be useful soon. Merry Christmas.
Ai, thanks and thanks for the comments on my writing.

Fletch, thanks. You know I can't resist adding color.

Jo, it is nice to have family around. It does sound like a Hallmark movie. lol I've been losing track of the days lately. It seems like the week is going by so fast. I've been too distracted by cooking and baking.

Ned, for the most part people are busy and don't notice when I'm out sketching. I tucked myself into a corner to get out of the people in the supermarket. I know I've drawn pierogi before but I'm not sure if I posted here before. I like your sketch of the birdhouse. You got a lot of the details in that one!

Robin, too bad T can't stand. It would make life so much more comfortable for him, especially with the ramp you and your friend made. Nice sketch of the ramp and the birdhouse. Glad you are able to do some quick sketches.

See you all in the next hunt!
Jo: Super job on put up the list of several Hunts in a roll. Thanks for hosting and sub-hosting.
Ned - Nice job on the birdhouse. The hibiscus are not really blooming. On that bush there was only that blossom and a bud both late bloomers. What is flowering now is bougainvillea.

Robin - Prayers that T may get to use the ramp in 2024. Sharon can still stand but only walking us in parallel bars at PT. Nice line work on the birdhouse.

Keep sketching