JoC — Thanks so much! Your sketches by the lake are enchanting with their beautiful reflections... look at those amazing pines by the bridge!!! I love the way you draw

The pics are lovely as well, and I can't imagine how those trees grew so tall. I wonder how old they are?

Your dressed up wine bottle (empty! LOL) lit up my day!!! That little hat, those fantastic colors!!! Happy dances

Plus, looking at it some more, I'm amazed and mystified at how you achieved the beauty of the blue bottle itself, with its subtle and amazing streaks, using brush pens

And wow, look at your desk now!

Yay Larry, and wonderful new sketch

And the last two sketches by the lakes are wonderful and free and inviting and colorful - beautiful colors as well!
Ned — Good grief, what a saga with your car - sending good thoughts your way - hang in there
Thanks, and thanks especially for your meaningful encouragement. Made me feel better to read your words and think back on the experience (with the tall grass). Calm. I like what you said about that...
To me, the first sketch with the tree and house is full of interest, and very cool, just as it is! Like
EP, I looked up "Copper Beech" - oh my, what a beauty!!! I don't know if I've ever seen one in real life. I'll have to keep my eyes open

And the walnut tree is amazing also. Some of the branches seem paradoxical too - you really captured the whole feel of the tree in your sketch, wow!
Will you be sketching from Seattle? Or telling us stories of the grange? I hope
ams — Thanks so much!
Ai — Thanks so much! I love the graceful contours of your mouse, and your sketch of the chess set makes chess look fun!

And oh, your mystical painting of the mountain view is sublime
Joan — Thanks so much for your comments, and for your encouragement to sketch houses. I've seen some fun houses around here. Even in the poorer neighborhoods, quite a few people have found really fun and cheerful ways of making the most of their house or yard, and it seems meaningful to me, and makes me happy!
Your farmstead painting is yummy - everything about it is wonderful...

I asked years ago but can't remember your answer...
...... How do you choose between watercolor alone or watercolor with ink?
...... When you use ink, do you draw first with ink, or does the ink come after the watercolor?
This farmstead painting and your Suzala painting show your exceptional skill with watercolor alone, and yet the same goes when you use ink with watercolor in this lovely "quiet sunny" painting of The Grange... Inspiring!!!
EP — Thanks! Fun sketches, and I agree with
Jo about your excellent ellipses and shading on all! LOL about the Oreo boy

Love oxidized copper but little did I know that horses can help with that

Thanks for the info and links!!!
Robin — Wonderful to see your spirited sketches again! I love them all, and the "out" sketch is especially intriguing - lovely colorful work on all