Scavenger Hunt from Life #47: Nov 23 - Dec 1

@Joan T - Your self-portrait turned well. Don't worry about little details. Less is more. You don't need to draw everything you can see. :D
9 travel - trinket box hubbie brought back from japan
10 hearing my ukelelee
11hard door knob
12 soft. Stuffed friends
13 plant in container
14light source. Lamp

A late happy Thanksgiving. You all are right up on the top of my list. BIG HUG AND KISS

This is all I can get for this list. I will be posting list for Hunt #48 in the next hr.

Jo, thanks for the birthday wishes. Yes, I did have a lobster for dinner, but didn't sketch her. I had to laugh about ironing the wrinkles. My mom had A LOT of wrinkles. She loved the sun and didn't use sunscreen or wear a hat. I don't have as many as she did.

Ai, thanks. I remember back when we did lots of self-portraits on WetCanvas.

Sylwia, thanks. Since my cataract surgeries I should be seeing more details. lol You do great ellipses and capture the roundness of your objects well.

Robin, love all your soft stuffed friends and use on the bed. Nice sketch!!

Thanks to everyone for participating in the hunt. See you over at the one that Robin posted!
Sylwia, love the monochromatic. Mug for my collection. I'm smiling.

Robin, aww such sweet stuffed friends. I like the plant and lamp, too. Your sketches are sort of whimsical and make me smile, again.

I did a couple more. The self portrait was last night using facetime on my computer for a mirror. Works so well, lots of pixels in the ArtStreet book with a Micron 02, half page so not large. I think my face is rounder.


Today we took the car for service so Number 5 related to car, waiting room
#6 related to sound - Gene's bone in headphones sit on his temple and not in his ears.



See all y'all on the next Hunt. Thanks Joan for this one!!
Lovely sketches Robin. I like the composition in second one and that you did both of them in different colours.

Nice sketches Jo. Good idea for using facetime for a self-portrait.
Robin: lovely and cute sketches

Jo: Wonderful to see your SP.

Joan: Thank you for hosting this Hunt.
EP - Neat little collection. We have an ice cream scoop like that.

Sylwia - like all the subtle colors in the flowers. Really like the shading and line work on the pear and cups.

Joan - Happy belated birthday. 🎂 Nice seasonal cityscapes. Like the kind of minimal line work on the SP.

Jo - One of the things we miss in Florida. Fall colors. Nicely done. Hmm other than hair that SP does not have a strong resemblance. Nice set of sketches.

Robin - Two nice compositions with great hatching.

Keep sketching