Scavenger Hunt from Life #42: Oct 14 - Oct 22

#4 view ..of me proctoring an exam ... about 20 minutes

Jo -That was a Roger creation? Very clever! I could use one of them! Pants keep shrinking. Glad to hear your knees and ankles are still flexible! Like those gray markers you handle them well.

Ai - the dispenser may be quirky but they are also pretty cool and well drawn. Great find on the tiny chairs! Thanks for sharing the mishaps so we all know even talented artists occasionally misstep. The tea set made me smile. Thanks for photo to see how really small they are. Nice proportions on all the students

Joan - I keep marveling at the perspective in your car/hallway sketch. Spot on!

Robin - clever pick for Xoanon. Like your hatching. Cool job on the phone.

Keep sketching
Ai, we haven't seen your students taking exams for a while. Nice sketches!

Joe, thanks. Since Nissan had my car for nearly 2 hrs I had plenty of time to work out the perspective. lol

4 - view - direct watercolor


5 - quirky beach hut restaurant called Bodhi's - direct watercolor (It wasn't the kind of day that people would be sitting out there, but in the summer they get a pretty big crowd.

Thanks so much Joan, Jo, and Joe.

Glad you are safe and back to normal life...

Joan: Wonderful beach shop by the beach sketch and the view with fall color plants was so awesome.
Ai, The proctoring sketch is so good. Sorry you still have to wear masks.

Thanks, Joe. Albert was the brother-inventor. He made some really cool things. He made Gene a bike trailer with a u-joint on the hitch so it wouldn't tip going around corners. (Back when Gene was riding bicycles not trikes)

Joan, I wouldn't work on perspective no matter how much time I had. Ha. You do those things so well. Your view is lovely with the colors and shadows. Bodhi's is a neat kind of restaurant.

I sketched on the porch even though it was a bit cool. We had .75 inch of rain. Yay. I was sharing the list with Gene so he might point out something to sketch. I read anchor and said, Joan and Joe are about the only ones that might see an anchor. Gene calmly said, "There is one on the back porch." I see it all the time and had forgotten what it was. I wonder where it came from? So sketched on my iPad with the Apple pencil and the app, Brushes.
Number 3, anchor


Jo: Thank you.... wow that is so neat of your anchor sketch... I never know about this bike/trike hardware before.
Joe, piacere di rileggerti, grazie mille per la nuova lista, ottimo inizio da parte di tutti
Ai, thanks!

Jo, thank you. Glad you have Gene to help you find some of the items. Not everyone has an anchor on their porch. lol

Sketched in the living room in the Ohuhu sketchbook, 10 x 7.6 inches with a Micron 02.
Number 4 nutty - peanut butter, Number 5 silver - shaker for drinks, Number 6 - knife
from my iPad, seeing if the scanner would work with it. Works! Harder to type on this though.
Joan - You got me this time. I was sure your view would be beach and ocean. The hut looks like a great lunch spot. Where is that birdhouse development? So cool. Like how you did the bushes. Figured most here would use kneaded eraser for moldable. Nice shading.

Jo - first..great ellipses! Great use of hatching to develop the contours. Doing this course has opened my eyes to hatching styles.

Keep sketching
Joe — Wonderful to know you and your family are okay 😃😂😌 Big ordeal, and probably a long road ahead, but you guys are strong, and it shows in your posts here this week 💪 Such fun to read them!!! So good to see you!!!

Everyone — Like food for the soul, seeing your work again here. All the funny, goofy stuff you all have found to sketch, and the spicy colors, the great sketches, the slices of life all over the world. What a wonderful place you continue to create here, day by day!!! 🎨
Today lunch ... I took a refuge at a nearby plant-ful cafe...
#5 moldable -- waffle
#6 knife -- plastic knife
#7 hollow - a) coffee paper cup
#8 jam. sub. with sirup
#9 flexible -- hinge on the small sirup container



# 7 hollow --b)-- a repurposed birdcage to house a type of cactus inside i) directwatercolor stage ii ) final stage with ink




#10 gaunt -- a man head cement sculpture as a cacti planter


I've done some sketches, but they may not get posted until after the hunt is over. Technical difficulties. Enjoying seeing everyone else's.
Ai, Joan, Jo, super Job

3 Flessibile,il polpo con i suoi tentacoli...., è un fischietto

pper a5, pencil colored and pen 2 and 3 I made them twice, because I wanted to use both pens that I usually use, ballpoint and a gell (gel credo ) that sometimes sip, I save, but since I bought it I have always liked it.

2022-10-20 11-07_pagina_1.jpg
2022-10-20 15-40_pagina_1.jpg
2022-10-20 15-40_pagina_2.jpg
Thanks, all y'all.

Joan, your unusual of the birdhouses has neat hatching and curlies. Jam and knife make me want a p&j sandwich and I just ate. Interesting mold able of the eraser.

Hi Pine Cone. Welcome back, don't think I said that the other day.

Ai, MMMMmmm, you waffle and trimmings look so good. I tell you I just ate, but...... Good idea and good sketch of the birdcage. Love the statue planter. Ha.

amo, Angela, looking forward to your sketches whenever you can post them.

joe1lt, again your sweet jam makes me hungry. Very cute octopus and bell. Bonus of other views. Well done!

We walked so I did an ink sketch of the view and then added watercolor at the house. I took them with me but didn't take a paper towel so no place to clean the brushes. I should have had on old jeans. Ha. The water is getting so low there is an island. We need rain.
Number 7, view - ink and watercolor in the Ohuhu sketchbook

Joe, the birdhouses are on a fence in the dahlia garden at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum in Oakdale. There must be at least 15 of them and the birds keep going in and out all the time. Hope things are getting sorted out down there!

Pine Cone, it is so good to see your comment. Hope all is good with you.

Ai, your food sketches always make me hungry. Love the cactus in the birdcage. I like "cactus head" too. lol

Angela, I hope you work out your tech problem.

Joe 1, nice bell and octopus...I mean il polpo!

Jo, lovely sketch of your view. Hope you get some rain soon.
Sketches first, then I'll return with comments. Ink, 5x8" page.

1. nightguard as a substitute for denture
2. flexible - coiled hair tie
3. elastic - regular hair tie
4. quirky - handmade clay mug (see photo so you can see how wonky it is)
5. silver one one knife
6. knife - other knife



Jo: Thanks. Beautiful outdoor sketch... love your line + colors too

EP: Thanks. Cool set. Very nice flexible, denture, and cup... So unique ceramic cup.

Joe1: Thanks. Very cute bell and octapus whistle.

All & Lurkers: Hello.
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