Scavenger Hunt from Life #153: Mar 19 -Mar 27

Ai, good work on the tables. I always have trouble with the table legs, so practicing is a good idea. Hoping to do some sketches later.
Joan: Thank you. Wonderful colorful still-life. I love that you have all variety colorful bottles to go with veggies. Well done for continuous lines too.
Ai, thanks, pastels are fun to work with. Your table made me smile, you know I rarely do over or practice. You did great.

Ned, thanks and good for you to work on your watercolors. You did well. Texas Longhorn Baseball is off to a good start to be in the SEC. I really don't like it but it is what it is. I still watch. Ha.

Joan your still life is so good. You get the continuous likes so well and then the colors are rich and lovely.

I'm not sure what we accomplished to day. Probably nothing.
Joan -- I always enjoy seeing the continuous line sketches before and after the watercolor. Sometimes it is remarkable what the color does. As usual I like the deep colors you used.

Ai -- great to sketch the table from different perspectives! I day I tried to draw just the outline of cows from all different directions... it was amazing how some of them were just blobs or almost rectangles!

Jo -- My main baseball team is the Cal Bears, but the local state college has a team and it's only 15 minutes from home, so I've been going to lots of their games for the past few years. They haven't been very good but it's still fun and a beautiful setting.... we sit up on a grassy hill overlooking the field, with redwood trees behind us. The college announced that because of budget problems they are canceling all NCAA sports next year, so this might be the last year.... trying to go to lots of games while I can. Going again tomorrow.

#2 green... at least I made an attempt to sketch today ... found that I can't really sketch and pay attention to the game at the same time!

Edit: realized after posting that there's no date on it! Things were getting interesting so I put it away. Going to add it now! :)
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Ai & Jo, thank you. I enjoy doing the continuous line sketches.

Ned, thanks. I'm impressed with your sketch of the baseball game. Yes, it is hard to sketch and concentrate on what is going on in the game at the same time. lol I find that with anything involving movement like dancers or performers. Sketching takes a lot of concentration. I felt that when I was sketching at the robotics competition below. After I had done the sketches (which took a long time) I had no idea what the robots were actually doing and how they win or lose.

Yesterday a friend and I went to the "First Robotics Long Island Regional Competition" at Hofstra University. We try to go and sketch the madness that is going on. My friend and her husband volunteered for years in the project at their local school and at the competitions. Suzala doesn't do it any more since her kids are adults now, but her husband still volunteers. Like I said to Ned in response to his post, I get so wrapped up in sketching that I don't have any idea what is happening in the competitions. I tend to pick a person or object and sketch it and then move on to someone else who wasn't on the scene before. Sometimes the people are composites of several people who were in front of me at different times. It is hard to sketch the actual robots because they are on display in front of me for a very short time and then they are zipping around the floor.

7 - public space - ink, Posca markers, watercolors


8 - contains small parts (robot on the table) - watercolors and ink
9 - geometric shapes (spheres, rectangles)

A woman nearby was so excited to see my sketches. In both I have her adult daughter (in the yellow jacket) who was one of the emcees. She took photos of both sketches.
Joan: That is way so cool, Joan. You have captured the hectic, fun, crowd spirit with bright colorful colors and shapes. Love your dark background to set things off for foreground too.
Joan -- wow... agree with Ai it captures some of the chaotic fun! The colors are just great especially in the 2nd one.

After today's baseball game ( yay, we won! ) I went to the coast because I've been sitting at baseball games too much and not getting enough exercise! This is the 'pinnacle" at Pinnacle Gulch Beach... it looks more like a pinnacle from other angles. Foggy and kind of dark but later the light became fantastic. Tide was coming in faster than I realized as I sketched this and I almost got wet hiking back to the car... :)

#3 outdoors ink + ink wash in water brushes.
Sorry to be MIA but getting some legal work done and I think I am doing more work than they are. Tuesday is next meeting and than work should be on them and I can get back to some art.

Art is all great and inspiring and Ned as I scrolled thru I saw your work before seeing it was you. I thought it was Joan’s too.
Hi Fletch, I hope that gets done soon, it does not sound like fun. Well ha ha, I'll just be flattered by the comparison, thanks! :)
Ned, thanks. I'm glad you sketched quickly enough that you escaped the water. lol Nice shading with the brush.

Fletch, hope things get less intense and you can get some sketching done soon.
Joan -- those are fun. It's interesting how even that minimal the color adds depth and not just because of the shadow.

#4 flower -- azalea I gave my wife for valentine's day, now I need to find a place to plant it where the deer won't eat it!
Ned, thanks. Good sketch of the azalea plant in the wrapped pot...just enough inking. Hope you find a good spot for it where the deer don't notice it.
11 - fruit - watercolor and white acrylic ink


12 - ceramic - direct watercolor
13 - glass bottle
14 - metal measuring cup


15 - free space #1 - watercolors and ink

Joan -- ooh! that tangerine is amazing! The color looks perfect. Wonderful color in the others too!

Gorgeous warm day here today, first warm spell of the spring. Tomorrow is supposed to be cloudy and 20° colder with rain tomorrow night and Thursday.

#5 free space, a place called Wright's Beach. I think this is the 3rd time I've sketched here and every time I make the rocks too big and then don't fit everything I wanted in.... next time I'm going to use pencil first!

a photo:
For the benefit of those like Ai who are a day ahead of some of us, I've posted the new hunt, but YOU MAY CONTINUE WORKING ON THIS HUNT until the end of tomorrow!
Well got a respite now until early April

Joan -Love the pen version but color makes it pop. Yum On the clementine. The textures in the stll life hit me. The measuring vulnerability looks metal, the bottle looks glass and the pitcher looks ceramic.excellent. Thought sure free space would be beach. Pier shops are great.

Ned -like the blurred green to fill. Going to borrow that. Love the wave action.

#1 flower - sketched outside with the intent to use watercolor. When I got it inside realized the pencil was too heavy so worked at softening but still needs more. Will add color tomorrow.

Keep sketching and learning.
Fletch: Welldone flowers. Can't wait to see the added colors.

Joan: Thank you very much for the next Hunt. I am bombarded this did not do much art as I have wished.