Scavenger Hunt from Life #122: Jul 14 - Jul 22

Joan -- :) ha! Well you gave it a really pretty blue-green color. Google translate says that füüf means "five", whatever that's worth :) Like the explosion colors in the flower pot!

I hiked for a couple hours today at a place called the Port Gamble Heritage Forest. When I got back to Bainbridge Island (where I'm staying), I stopped at Fort Ward Park to see if there was a hatch on the old bunker there. It was a bit longer walk to the bunker than I remembered, so I got lots of exercise today. Was hoping that the hatch might have a latch, but no such luck :)

#1 hatch ( in thick concrete bunker )


I should have taken a photo of the bunker from further back... its walls are about 2 meter thick concrete.
We had to run to a short laundromat visit so this is what I got.

#2 sub. a hatch with a lid of commercial dryer...directwatercolor

Got this little sketch during lch break second day of hunt……today.gonna try and put together bicycle rack for te car….planning trip to asseteague state park next month…will sketch it i hope…frst gotta run to store for diatomaceous earth Bunbun has fleas, :rolleyes:
Ted, good sketch like the colors and photo…best on your adventure

Ai - love the washing machine view. Was just listening to a music composition on spotifytitled 120 Days and Nights in a Laundrette - Hans Zimmer, Stanley Myers….not the usual stuff but interesting the places you can go with the arts….. safe travels and good sketching! Like the big blossom….looks like it was fun to do something so big!,,,

Jo C you are getting pretty go with the digi’s….. love’em, very nice:)

Fletch - thanks for hosting, always fun to read your associations, adenture opportunity in the ceiling!,…the clothes really capture the atmosphere…nobody know how but we all manage to do that somehow…..makes making and viewing amazing fun if you think about it!

Joan, beautiful deep colors, i agree with Fletch that that color blue is nice. The whateveritis is certainly one odd fish…glad you drew it….
Ai, thanks for your comments. Clever thinking for hatch.

Ned, thanks. Sketching ideas sometimes lead us to a little more traveling than we expected. I like your hatch on the bunker. What was the bunker used for?

Robin, thanks. Nice sketch of the juice bottle with the bonus hand added in...could have counted that fingernail too. I've always wanted to go to Assateague and see the horses. A friend of mine went for a plein air event and a horse came along and knocked over her easel. lol
Thanks Robin and Joan. Now it is a good life, one hour to departing to the airport, listening to the music Robin talk about from Hanz Zimmer, and looking up for Assateague island and Bainbridge Island on google. The next Hunt should be fun as some of us will be sketching away from our homes..... Yippie !!! :love:

Robin: Wowza on the juice bottle. That is inspiring lines to me. BTW, you may get a postcard from me if you send me your post-mail address.

Joan: Thanks. Hope to have time to sketch in our short trip to a foreign land.
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I thought I commented on some of this, but I don't see them, sorry if this is a repeat.

Fletch, the hatch is great, the clothes add to it, I recognized right away.

Ned, happy your summer is going well. Have fun and we will enjoy seeing you when we see you. And there you are with the hatch. Very cool find as well out in the hinterlands.

Joan, well done on the blue house. Nice yard.

Ai, looking forward to another tour in Thailand! The hatch on the washer is a fun find, too.

Joan, thanks. Your ugly gets the reward of the Hunt for unusual. Exceptional find. I like the zigzag.

Robin, very nice juice. I drink mostly V8 as it has less sugar than pure fruit drinks. Sounds like a nice trip coming up. Thanks.

In the Canson book, Number 2 face and Number 3 X-acto sub a box opening knife with a non stick surface for tape. Works well. And some doodles/zentangles. I see fish after reading about Ned fishing..

Ai -- Great dryer... yes several of us might be away from home for next hunt!

Robin -- I always like when you use colored ink :) That V8 bottle has character!

Jo -- nice sketches! I see an oyster shucking knife or a hook sharpener. I'm planning to go out in my little boat trolling for salmon the next three days starting tomorrow.... the fishing here doesn't really get good until September, but I'll have fun trying.

Joan, thanks! The bunker was part of "coastal defense" for the naval shipyards at Bremerton. By around 1920 it wasn't used any more, and some of the guns were shipped to France in WW1. During WW2 they build a "secret" radio listening station at the site. Not sure how easy this is to read, but I took a photo of the sign yesterday:

I also learned that the park with the water tower I drew used to be a Navy radio transmitter site.... it had an 800 foot tall tower that had to be removed before it could be a park. Interesting history here! In the photos at that link, you can see the tower I drew looking tiny next to the antenna towers!
#2 bipod sub bivalve & gastropod ( oyster and moon snail shells from the beach here )

huh, I think my photo added contrast... the shading is more subtle IRL. I was thinking of adding a bit of cream/yellow color and the oyster has a couple purple streaks, but I decided to stop.

Hurrah...My family and I made it to our first Tokyo family trip from Thailand. I did this directwatercolor sketch of a shrine at Ueno Park, this afternoon. I sketch for about 30 minutes with a loud cheering noise of cicada in the middle of Tokyo. The park has so many giant trees.

#3 vast -- Ueno Park, Tokyo




Ned - Cool hatch. Spent a couple of months up in that area in the mid 70s. We did a post overhaul missile load out. Remember there was a lot of logging in the region. Inbound we had a collision with a mostly submerged log that got away from the loggers. Love bivalve for bipod substitute 👍🏽 Nice work. Seeing shells reminded me a couple of shipmates got in trouble after gathering and eating some oysters right near the piers. Apparently it was an area where “ oystering” was prohibited.

Ai - clever everyday hatch.

Robin - first thought was strawberry banana YUM then noticed you missed nail!

Jo - did think the doodle Gene appears to be looking up at was a goldfish. The other doodle has a bit of a flat fish look. Neat tool sketch.

Ai - JAPAN!, am so excited to see some of Japan with you and your family. The shrine is well done. Tried to read sign before realizing it is in Japanese.LOL That tree photo is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing.

Keep sketching
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Fletch -- Lots of Navy activity around here. The Missouri used to be docked with the "mothball fleet" at Bremerton. I visited that with my grandfather when I was a teenager. There is an "undersea museum" at the nearby Bangor sub base that is really interesting.

Ai -- wow! I hope you and your family have a wonderful time in Japan. :)
Ned, good finds on the shells, just about the right amount of shading I think. Applause. We obviously didn't spend enough time in that area. We just saw friends and art stuff. Should have checked out the Navy stuff. Guess we didn't know Fletch then, ha.

Ai, exciting trip. Thanks for sharing your trip. Love the Ueno Park. Cool photos.

Fletch, thanks. Gene is so patient with my sketches. Makes me smile. Thanks for the stories!

I finally played in the dust on a wiped off paper with assorted soft pastels, 9 x 12 inches. About an hour start to finish.
Number 4 pair - pair of mugs/cups


Joan - Apology I had written a comment on your beautiful rendition of "ugly" and natures zig zag . Not sure where it disappeared to.

Jo - WOW! The colors are perfect and the reflections sell it! If you end up erasing please so not say it! Hope it is a candidate for 2025.

Keep sketching
Thanks Fletch, Jo, and Ned for your support. Hope to get some postcards done here.

Jo, that pastel of mugs are super. You gave them sparkle.

Today, I will have a first time meet with an American art friend on FB at Sekeido, a giant art supply store in Shinjuku. It should be fun.
Ai, a visit to great! I love the colorful shrine in the park. It is always fun to be sketching and painting in a totally new location. Nice that you are getting to meet with an American art friend. (Anyone I might recognize?) Hope you have a good time shopping at the giant art supply store.

Jo, thanks. The blue house with the garden is actually part of the Bellport Historical Society and has a museum inside. Fun page of sketches with Gene's face, the x-acto and the doodles. The pastel of the mugs is colorful and shiny. Well done!

Ned, nice sketches of the shells from the beach there. Good lines and shading.

Fletch, sorry your original comments on my sketches disappeared. Thanks for reposting them. Looks like with Ai traveling we will be seeing some great locations. I'm gonna sit back and enjoy. lol

I'm slow on this hunt. This was sketched with Procreate on my iPad at the pool today.
5 - face


6 - sort of smile - ink

Ha, Fletch. The cups are off and I never redo. I always keep a good photo to print if I need to.

Ai, thanks. Keep on having fun! We love tagging along.

Joan, thanks. We see the mugs in Hallmark movies and have to smile. Hey! There's my cups!! I love your face and smile. Like you say, fun to get something different.

Robin, I love your exit and that you showed some decorations. Whee! Looks like a comfy place.
Ai & Ned both off adventuring. Looking forward to new vistas.

Joan - Neat digital drawing. Love the ink sketch of the woman sketching.

Robin - You drew the exit but it looks inviting. All bright and cheery.

Jo - You are cruel 😝

Keep sketching