Scavenger Hunt from Life #115: May 19 - May 27

Robin, great job on the coffee shop sketches. Would love to come have a latte with you. Great details. Fun to look around. I was looking on my phone and came in to my iMac to type. Wow, the sketches are amazing in "large" size.
I got busy after my daughter arrived home! What went through my mind looking at the last few:

Fletch -- I hope you feel better soon.

Ai -- Number 4 student is smooth with expressive lines! I sometimes wonder about using some scrap paper for warm-up!

Jo -- I like the way the colors look in the tree and sky.

Joan -- The second lighthouse painting is great. You probably won't know what I'm talking about, but a few years ago you had a painting that sold and I remember thinking it had in the trees/tree limbs "striking vivid greys that really made the whole thing pop". This reminds me of that... the different grays and darker specks in the foreground make the sand pop out. Ha ha you can tell I don't really know "art speak"!

Robin -- those two-tone sketches are great, I like the way the black ink makes contrast. The coffee shop is fun with different colors!
Jo, thanks for your comments about my lighthouses.

Robin, both indoor sketches are great! I love all the things you found in the cafe...good hunting.

Ned, many, many thanks. I can imagine how busy you must be with your daughter back home. Glad you found time to stop and comment.
Ned good to hear from you. Daughters are great to have around. We are getting together tomorrow for Mothers/Fathers day as the only time we can all get together.

Joan, thanks. I missed telling you how much I liked the hand and box.

Ai the students were excellent.

I messed around in the pastels. Was trying to have a more complicated piece with some of the items running off the paper but got tired and just put the fruit. Also the background is green and red and it shows black in the photo. I'm not going to mess with it anymore.
Number 7 fruit - on a wiped piece of Pastelbord with various pastels.


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Fletch: Get well soon.

Joan: Thanks. Lovely lighthouse... good luck with the show.

Robin: Great dazzle colors and lines...yummy.

JoC & NedL: Hello and Thanks.

JoC : Lovely hanging plant with flowers... and the fruits are just glowing... Love it.
My sketch group organised a life drawing session today... So I got some more of living creatures....






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It is still Sunday morning in California but it is already Monday in Thailand and in Australia!

The next scavenger hunt is posted: Scavenger Hunt 116

There is still time to add to this hunt too!
Jo, thanks so much. Your fruit came out great! Nice shiny look to them.

Ai, great job on all those life drawings. Good shapes and movement in the poses. I like your op donuts...I'll take any one of them.

The NYC Urban Sketchers went to a fairly new renovated building at Pier 57 along the river. Among the many views from the different levels of the building is Little Island, a new public park where visitors and locals can experience nature and art along the Hudson River.

15 - used for relaxation (park) - watercolors

Jo -- I like the highlight on the pear, and the bit of shimmer on the backdrop. Made me want a pear -- our pear trees have ripe fruit in September and October :)

Ai -- those life drawings are great. I really like the blue "figure" one. :) I just finished dinner and now those donuts make me want desert! The shine on the middle one and the one in front looks excellent.

Joan -- that's a wild looking park! I like the way you did the greenery and trees and how organic it looks compared to the background and the park structures. Oh -- I did look at those rocks, the East is so old, everything is worn and ancient. Out here a lot of the land and rock are "recently" ( millions of years, but geologically recent! ) uplifted or spewed from volcanoes! And thanks for the hunt!
On my walk today
#3 living creatures ( :) I had trouble with the one in back because it mooved -- I'm thinking of trying some exercises where I look hard then draw only from memory... :) )
NedL: Thanks so much... lovely cows grass grazing...

Joan: Thanks so much. Wonderful pier57 scene of NYC well captured. 😘So thank you that you can manage to drive, reuniting with your family on New England trip, get to sketches amazing scenes there, and hosting this fun Hunt.

Jo and Fletch and all: Thanks for your support. Hope @Fletch you regain great health and art energy back. See ya all in the next Hunt.
Thanks all of you. Makes me smile.

Ai, mmm, donuts. My favorite vice and food I cannot eat. I haven't found a good gluten free sub for those. You made them very appealing/mouthwatering. I had to go get a gluten free graham cracker for a unsatisfactory sub.

Joan, that park is something. Great view from your spot. Nice you got out with the Urbans.

Ned, love the cows. You did a good job even with them moo-ving. (ha) Made me homesick in a good way. Don't know if you've been sketching with us long enough to know my mom named all the cows at the ranch. They had Herefords which have white faces and ears. She would see the baby calves out in the fields with their ears sticking up and called them "blossoms". Your idea of looking and then drawing is a great idea. It helps with painting as well.

Thanks Joan for this Hunt. I have an idea so hope to get in one more.
Ned looking forward to the new Hunt, too.

Number 8 crunchy - some peanuts done with Brushes and ApplePencil

❤️🇺🇸Happy Memorial Day in the USA. Thinking of our fallen Veterans on this day and thankful for their service and dedication and sacrifice that makes us free! Have a beautiful day and speak a name of one of ours. In our family, Neil Garrett in the Korean War. 🇺🇸❤️
Ned, thanks. Your cow sighting on your walk was very productive!

Ai, thanks. Michelle and I only went up to visit our sister for a few days. Michelle hadn't been up there for a number of years, so it was nice to share the time with her on the ride. We went to visit some of our favorite local places up there.

Jo, thanks so much. I like your story about your mom naming the cows. Nice digital of the jar of peanuts.

This is Memorial Day weekend for us in the USA. Wherever you are, remember those who sacrificed for the freedom we have. We had a rainy morning and they forecasted rain all day. Right now the sun is shining. Maybe it will stay out long enough for me to go capture a sketch. Have a great day!
you have done so many fantastic works, also figure drawings, animals, and some work in digital and some in traditional media, everything is always beautiful and lively.
Jo -- the translucent jar is great! I think I was with you all for most of 2020, then got too busy w/ the covid vaccines. I don't remember great the story about your mom. Herefords are pretty common here. The property behind our house had them until it was bought by a vineyard.. so we'd see them at our back fence whenever we looked out the window. The calves sometimes tried to play with our dogs :) There are many Holsteins at dairies around here, including on that same road I like to walk on, but I'm not sure what these are... they are mostly black but some have white on their heads and face or on their bellies.
joe1lt, thanks, nice you stopped in. Hoping you get time to share a sketch with us.

Ned, thanks. We dealt with some Black Angus at the last place where my folks worked. They crossbred them and ended up like you say with brown and black and white faces or markings. They are lots of work and not as smart as horses, but I like them anyway. Good to eat! :)

Thanks again, Joan, for this Hunt. See all y'all over on #116
Thanks to all who participated or lurked during this hunt. See you all over at Ned's hunt.