Scavenger Hunt from Life #115: May 19 - May 27

I did sketch quickly on the porch, already 82º F out. Yikes. In the BookFactory sketchbook with a Sharpie fine point marker.
Number 4 fits in the palm of your hand - my phone, looking at this thread.

Ai, .... Looks like it would make a nice tour boat for all of us to come and ride in with you.
:) I want to go on one of those giant colorful fishing boats! :)

We're going to the airport soon to pick up my daughter, and still need to eat dinner first... so back tomorrow w/ comments.

#2 water-related, big pile of rocks at the end of the beach. Only place I could find to sit that wasn't too windy. Very windy!
Jo, thanks. We were all sketching a bit...but I was sketching more. Good job on the phone in your hand.

Ned, nice rocks!!! The east coast rocks aren't as jagged as they are out there. (See below.)

Today was our travel home day so no sketching for me. I was driving. We did make a stop to see the Nubble Lighthouse in York, Maine, but I didn't have time to sketch it. I did take some photos. Mostly we were in the car.

All: Thanks for your kind words.

Joan: Glorious sketches on all, Cannery, bedroom, and the super creature in digi. Bravo.

Jo: Love the wagon with wheels... Cool....clever and a great job on the phone in your palm.

Ned: Thanks so much for sketching down the majestic rocks + ocean.... awesome !!!
Ned the rocks and water are super. I can't imagine sitting there in the wind! My friend Sue and I were at the Rio Grande near Taos one year and she climbed up on the rocks. She dropped her note pad and drawing tools down into the rushing water. I was so glad she didn't fall. It was a still and sunny day. No wind. Ha.

Joan, the lighthouse is so beautiful and unique. Love the rocks, too.

Thanks Ai, good to see you.

Our baseball team lost and so no games for a week or so until the Regionals start for the College World Series in Omaha. Don't know until Monday where and when they will play.
Ai, thanks for your comments. It was fun to have different things to sketch for a change.

Jo, I would have liked to sit there and sketch, but then we would have been on the road later end up hitting too much traffic at rush hour. It is all in the timing. lol
Went out and sketched outside a farm here.
7 - has wheels (flat bed wagon) - watercolors and ink
8 - tree
9 - vehicle (tractor)
10 - natural (farm land behind the fence)

Joan: The farm sketch is superb. Love the charm and the depth you have captured... how did you do the net fence in front.
Joan: The farm sketch is superb. Love the charm and the depth you have captured... how did you do the net fence in front.
Thanks. I used a white gel pen and then went over parts of it with Lexington Grey ink.
More Living creatures...students taking exam...I think I do better after getting some warmup...
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Quick quest for challenge organisers. I believe I'm up next, but have 1st June as my post date. I know the calendar is somewhere but I'm not having any luck finding.

Just checking do I post my list on May 28?
Jennie Jo, Here is the calendar. I show Ned as next.
You can find us at Art From Life forum if we get lost. We post the evening before so that you folks on the other side of the planet have it on your right day, so you would post on your day. Clear as mud, right? I'm smiling, hope you are, too.
It is warm and muggy but the only flower other than the wildflowers is the straggly geranium. Sketched out on the porch in the Ohuhu mix media sketchbook with a Micron 03 and watercolors.
Number 5 flower and Number 6 tree or shrub

Apologies for disappearing but have been under the weather and is tough when you need to be there for another. Hoping to get online and catch up over the weekend. The art I scrolled through looked great!
Ai, thanks. I always enjoy the sketches of. your students when you proctor exams. These are great!

Jo, I like your colorful version of the geranium plant. Nice!

Fletch, sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope you feel better soon.

One of my art groups is having a 2 day paint out at the Fire Island Lighthouse. I went today and did two paintings which are now for sale and hanging in the lens house at the lighthouse. They usually have it around Memorial Day Weekend, since it is a good time to catch some of the crowds that come through the lighthouse and the beach area. They will be hanging there for a few weeks.

13 - hard (lighthouse exterior) - watercolors


14 - textured (beach foliage) - watercolors

Awww, Fletch. So sorry you haven't been well. Take care. Hi to Sharon.

Joan, thank you. Your lighthouses are excellent. I like the close up, good negative space and trees. Great texture in the second on the beach. Clouds are super fine making the lighthouse really stand out.
1 indoor
2 lamp taller than me
3 relaxation book
4 box of crayons

5 man made chair
6 entrance
7 soft cloth on side table
8 smooth table top
9 cover/top on squirt dispenser
10 living creature- extra credit-:) her birthday
11 snack- cookie on screen advert
12 water related coffee maker
13 in palm - her cell phone
14 texture coffee beans in dispenser
15 hard - light bar
Love all your works…..JoC’s Toodles and lifting up our dear fellow Fletch and his bride-strength and healing to you dear brother👩‍❤️‍👩