Salmon Gums in the morning


Well-known member
Hi Folks. Still on the board and trying to resist fiddling, so a little "WIP" maybe, there maybe a few small things before I stop.
As usual, some passages I dont like tooo much. Anatomy of some trees a little iffy. The scene is from a reference photo, but I have camped in spots like this out towards the goldfields in WA (West Australia), so the "memories" help. Mostly Sennelier and some Rembrandts for finer lines. On Mi Tintes, smooth side, 32x41 cm. The photo is a little duller than actual, but it's close-ish.

Murray, good painting. If you're wondering what might improve it, take a look at your ground cover and tree shapes; they're repetitive. I know that this does happen often in real life, but in paintings the over-similarity of form can feel less than painterly. Just a thought, since you were questioning your composition.
Hi Bart. I know what you mean. In this case i massaged the actual scene to have less of that, strangely. The "bush" out there is kinda the same tho. Clumps in groups following watersheds etc. Other than that it's MMBA red dirt. If anything the skyline of the folliage is a bit "even" and i have tinkered to break that up slightly to reduce the linear foliage.
Really appreciate the thoughts, i get blind to things at times. Thanks heaps.
I like it a lot. The trees are not striking me as particularly repetitive: they are obviously the same type but I think you succeeded in your efforts, as they are going off in various angles. This is when ref photos can be tricky: I dislike it when I discover I'm trying to copy too much, rather than just use it as a starting off point. I also like what you've done with the tree tops: the progressive softness is very appealing. The sky gradation is lovely.

Nice one, I'd say! I look forward to the final rendition. :)
Hi Terri. Thanks for the comments, much appreciated. Yes, reference photos are double edged. These gums are a bit odd. Loooong thin branches and a close top, like a stretched broccoli. Never camp under them. Branches drop off when it's dry weather, they call them widow makers 🤪
Beautiful country tho.
I think this is VERY good! The trees look natural to me because I see this very often in real life when they grow in similar shapes this way, especially when growing close together. This is beautiful. Love all the colors you've used. ❤️
Thanks CaliAnn, appreciate the comments. I very gently massaged the foliage skyline to break it up a little more.
I really like the softness of this piece, it has a nice calming atmosphere. Lovely trees - I like how the trunks stand out.