October 2024 Water Media challenge

Vivien I think you did a spectacular job, especially since you said you struggled with it. Looking at it I don’t see any issues or I don’t see any evidence of a struggle. You did a great job. I think that piece looks deceptively easy. You have to really keep track and be very careful. It’s a wonderful piece.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Ellen. Oh I laughed when you said the name. That’s a fabulous name and backstory. I will have to check out that artist.
What a wonderful sounding cat. I would love to see a picture if you have one. I’ve known a few Siamese with the blue eyes in adult hood.
Also, the big dog was my old bullmastiff who was a Canadian champion and her only litter went down to the states and across 🇨🇦. Apparently to some very high judges down there. I was not the breeder. I got her for free, when she was pregnant. The breeder needed room because she had a lot of dogs. So if I took care of her and paid pet insurance for her, she was ours. But the litter went back to the breeder. She was wonderful and very gentle and very laid-back. Being phlegmatic is very unusual for bullmastiffs. later, I would have a Pomeranian that had the heart of a lion and was much braver than my bullmmastiff. She was rather lazy and enjoyed the couch. And she would show burglars where the TV was given a choice.
I felt bad for her when she was pregnant because she got so big and she was so uncomfortable and I knew what that felt like. And I remember in the first month looking at her and I didn’t think it was at all possible for a dog, to look green. But she did. She had bad morning sickness for a while, poor thing. She’d looked at food and just turned away. Lol She never stole food, ever. But in her last few weeks of pregnancy, I made a huge tray of cream cheese in phyllo dough for company coming. I put them on my little serving tray on my Ottoman. I walked out of the room. I came back maybe three minutes later and the tray was completely empty, and I had the guiltiest looking pregnant bull mastiff staring at me. She looked guilty- not because she regretted it, but because she got caught! Lol Bless her, I couldn’t get mad at her at all. I took note to increase her food.
Because it was going to be a C-section they need extra hands and I got to be there to catch the babies. And they have to do that fast because those big dogs don’t do well under anaesthetic on their backs. And I think she had 10 puppies. That was a cool experience.
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Christine - Thank you. The striped teapot was difficult! It wasnt until i began drawing it, I realised EVERY STRIPE was an ellipse! Im not good a drawing ellipses anyway but I did persevere. I learnt a lot about ellipses drawing this striped teapot!
Christine, I'll try to get a good picture of Titus. He curls up and sleeps on the back of my chair but I haven't gotten a picture of him in his full glory so far but I'll try. He reminds me of a middle school age adolescent boy. He loves to lie on the back of my chair and then reach out and grab the bun I always wear. My hair is long but all I ever do is wind it up on my head. He also always wants to be touching someone when he sleeps and it's very endearing for some reason. He just gently and tentatively stretches out one paw to touch whoever he's sleeping near which is usually me. He so dearly loves my daughter Crys, though, and like all animals she comes in contact with, he always follows her around, all over this RV park during the day. If you see Titus, you know Crys is right nearby. He goes trotting along with her, always with the barber pole tail straight up. He even tries to hitch a ride with her in her truck when she goes somewhere.

I don't like the fact that he wants to be outside at night, though. He insists even though he's neutered. I worry about him if he doesn't sleep inside, though, because of the cougars. If he isn't in here, he sometimes sleeps inside at a neighbor's house or at Crys's house but I can never be sure of that so it's like worrying when the kids were teenagers and not at home yet, you know?

Crys told me he just meanders right into the neighbor's houses and helps himself to whatever they're feeding their cats but they find it a charming trait, it seems. He tries to wrestle and play with the small dogs here when they're being walked. He even tries to wrestle with the basset hound of a lady who just visits here.

Your bullmastiff picture is wonderful. I might try to paint her. I had a Puli once that was a retired male show dog and he was really a pleasure to watch when I'd put him through his paces. I don't remember his name. I also had Samoyeds and then we were given a half wolf/half Samoyed female but that caused trouble in doggie paradise. She took more after the wolf in her and wolves mate for life, so she was extremely unhappy with our female Samoyed because our male, Snow, of course, was mating with the female Samoyed. Doggie infidelity in Misako's estimation. She was a very gentle dog with people but also like a wolf, she never learned to come when called. We'd have to go get her with the car and she'd jump right in, but never come if we just called her. She even dug a den for her puppies and it was perfectly done so that it wouldn't get water inside when it rained.

I just thought of something---I'm posting off topic and I need to go look at the rules to see if I shouldn't do that. I'm such a blabbermouth about so much stuff all the time.
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Vivien, excellent work on the colorful striped pot. It shows it was a lot of work! Looks so good!!
Stripes can drive us nuts. I once did a copy of Velazquez (Aguador de Sevilla) that had a clay pot w./stripes and it took me forever to get all stripes in place. It truly required my nerves. Although, like you say, Vivien, this tea pot would be good learning of ellipses!!

Titus Mewws 💖💖 🐾
Ellen, thank you for the story of Titus! I love reading your stories no matter what the rules are! Thank you for your comment on my gouache kittens.

I'm a complete cat person by heart: any cat I meet they all like me & I ♥️ them. I became very allergic to cats, to normal house cats which I had in my childhood, the first 20 yrs of my life. Then a friend told me there are cats that don't cause allergies and that's how I got my Bengal cat girl who is now a member of this family. She's everything to me.

PaintBoss, what a wonderful story of your dogs!! Loved reading it! Thank you!
It’s not against the rules and I enjoy hearing all your stories Ellen! Don’t stop.🙂🙂🙂
I’m glad you like the picture of my dog. Oh your cat and former dogs sound wonderful and so interesting. They are such characters in their own way.
Animals follow me and my daughter around too, and they just love my husband. I say I can’t be all that bad if the animals trust me! Lol
Well, it’s wee hours in the morning right now and I’m quickly posting this. I decided that you all inspired me to try to do a painting. So here’s my offering. Watercolour and a little bit of gouache. I believe the size of the paper is 5 x 7.
Thank you, Grapes.
Oh, I love cats and I’m glad you’re able to find one that you can live with. I only developed a severe allergy three years ago. I thank goodness I got 50 years in before I had to give up my cats and a lot of the other animals too.
PaintBoss, you did all that at night/early hours after we had posted ours!! 👏 Excellent landscape. The sky & clouds have nice movement from breeze, I like how they advance towards the viewer. The yellowish reflection in the clouds coming from the ground underneath is good observation! How do you do with watercolor such fluffy nice looking clouds! 👏
The ground is attractive yellow, very well done. These yellow dominating fields are tough to paint! It's always a question on how much and what tone of yellows do I choose and how large or narrow field do I paint. (Been there, done it and mine failed badly - after that I've been avoiding yellow fields en pleinaire.)
I just keep looking at how well you painted this view. 👏
Thank you. Well, I don’t do many landscapes and I need to practice my sky/clouds. But I’m glad you like them. Well actually, I always thought if you squint your eyes it makes a cool abstract. I absolutely love that yellow. And against the dark, it works really well. It was gouache. I used watercolour for the sky, but I didn’t think it had enough punch. So I added in some CYAN gouache. As soon as I put that colour down it came together against that strong yellow very well. Closer in value. Although I don’t do skies very well, so it’s not very smooth. I fought with the paper a little bit. I had it all taped down, but I still had areas that seem to repel color. So it was patchy.
Felt good getting out the paints and trying to do it. I painted it in bed, which is a little tricky. My husband was happy to see me doing my art too. I’m glad you liked it. Thank you so much for saying so. 🙂 I did that in about three hours spread out over about five hours.
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Ellen, please post a pic of Titus! He sounds remarkable in coloration and am sure all these artists would appreciate seeing him.

Love the pair of kittens in gouache! So cuddly and warm. Just adopted a new one myself, solid white with a grey crown and pale grey tip on her tail.

Viv, your spiral circles must've been difficult to do and the end result is super!

You nailed the values in your golden field landscape, Christine! Such a welcome scene.

Working on mine of the house with laundry.
Thank you, Kay, and I can’t wait to see your contribution. Oh that’s exciting having a new cat. We would also like to see the furry addition too!
So much to love in your post Kay. Salty is so cute!🙂
Gorgeous painting. I really like how you edited out some of the details in that painting that were not necessary. Beautiful values and shadow. I just think it’s a lovely subject and wonderfully done.👏🏻👏🏻
What a beautiful and regal little lady! Salty is gorgeous, too!

I've been trying to get pictures of Titus to post but he won't stay still long enough. Right now he's outside. Our weather has now cooled down a lot and we're having some rain showers. He doesn't like being outside when it rains so he didn't want to go out but he's been in here ever since early this morning and I decided it was potty time for him so I put him out anyway.

I get nervous about him being outside at night because the cougar problem is really in full swing right now. Night before last a big male killed 13 Angora goats and critically injured 6 more. They sometimes go on a spree like that and will even get into barns to do their killing spree if they can. They eat their fill on one of the animals and the rest go to waste. One of the people on the other side of Eugene who had raised goats for years has just given up and gone clear out of business now.

One of the domestic cats that lived here was killed and just left to rot the other night. Sometimes they'll kill and then not eat the kill and go somewhere for something they like better or maybe get spooked by something and just leave the carcass there. I saw on the news where they're having a meeting to ask for a change in the hunting rules now so they can be better controlled because there are so many of them and they're not hunted like they used to be to keep their numbers under control.

The guy who takes care of putting down the killer cougars was giving out free "cougar sausage" samples last week. I hate that the cougars have to be killed but I know it has to be done. I sure wouldn't eat one, though. Makes me gag to think of it. I'm not really a big meat eater in the first place.
Kay, absolutely love your painting "house and laundry". Stunning work! 👏
Thanks also for commenting on my kitten painting sketch!

The 8th reference "A House and Pond", gouache on a paper, size same as the two kittens.
Wish I could do more with these gouache colors .. sigh 😔.
I was wondering what kind of house is this? A famous place? Somebody's home?

This garden view was taken at Malleny House, Balerno near Edinburgh, Scotland.🙂
I think you captured the scene well. I find even good makes of Gouache can be dull compared to the best. Winsor Newton is duller compared to my French set which i bought a few 30 years ago and could never afford again. I only have 5 colours! They are brighter. I mix with watercolour or place both in a painting unmixed. Or just straight gouache. Gouache is best painted as flat layers with lighter layers on top. Build up a scene. You’re not really trying to save the white of the paper because this is a medium, where you can really mix and reactivate paint and blend and go from dark to light. You can add the white later. Unlike watercolour.
There are wonderful Instagram artists
who fills sketchbooks with scenes. Very straightforward steps but unlike watercolour. I’m also adding YouTube videos -there are many videos on the subject. I hope this helps. But I think you made a really good attempt at this scene. It just needs a little more filling in and I think you’ll add more dynamic colour if you watch what they do below. Once you get the knack for it, this is a great medium! Keep going, don’t get discouraged. You are learning!🙂


