May 2022 Water Media Challenge


Active member
Hello all, I am your host for the May 2022 Water Media Challenge. Feel free to use any media allowed under the rules of the Water Media forum. I am reusing some of the references I used for Wet Canvas watermedia challenge, so apologies if you've seen those. The images for the May 2022 Water Media challenge are below.

The first reference is my friend, Anni Moore’s photo. You’re free to use the photo how you choose (in shows and when selling artwork created from this appropriate rules apply):
242934631_10159706750604629_1833786908205239701_n Anni Moore.jpg

Next is a gemstone collection from Pixabay/Unsplash:


These are some of Steve Atkinson's copyright-free photos that I have access to (he has a link to his copyright-free photos in his video titled "The technique good painters use to become better faster"). For these two references, to be on the safe side contact him for permission if you want to sell, etc.:

Zion Day 1_0236-Edit.jpg

Chief David Bald Eagle 14X11.jpg

Finally, a photo of our kitty who passed on from us in 2009:


If you need bigger versions of any of these references, please PM me your e-mail address (I'm not sure if I'll be able to PM you actual size references). I hope you enjoy them.
Here is Anni's white bloom again in watercolor 12x9 watercolor on Grumbacher 140 lb cold press paper. I spritzed the flower shape area first to keep myself from getting too detailed then put in the delicate shades to indicate form.
Heavenly White Hydrangea scan.jpg
Kay - That is so striking, but delicate. The colors in the flowers, and the red areas in the greens set them off perfectly without attracting attention from the subject.
I'm almost done with Chief David Bald Eagle and tried several times to look up the video but it has been taken down. I just want to ask Steve Atkinson to use that image.
Beautiful work, Kay!
Here is my version, chinese white for the blossoms


  • cs wm a4 ac may.JPG
    cs wm a4 ac may.JPG
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Chief David Bald Eagle.jpg

Hail to the Chief! Watercolor on Masters Touch marker paper 46 lb done over last weekend. I wasn't sure the paper was strong enough for wc but it was (12x9)/White Nights paints.
Hello Kay, Christel and all! So.... this is where you've all been hiding! Glad to have found you!
Kay - lovely flowers. Your chief is awesome! You've managed to give his face so much life, character and wisdom! I really missed seeing your work :)
Christel - Lovely interpretation of the flowers. On my screen, the background has a purple hue to it - is it just my screen, your paper - or did you tone the paper you used?
Thanks CaliAnn. This paper hasn't been tinted but the greyish whatever tone it has gave me the idea to work the white flowers on the 'white' paper.
Scamall I love your interpretation of the flowers, The green gives the flowers a very fresh feel