May 2022 Water Media Challenge

Flowercat: I love this! It's utterly charming :) how big is it? I imagine it's quite small if it's for a dollhouse!
Sandra, thanks for hosting this month.

Kay, lovely, colorful white flower. It's amazing how much color can be added and still read white.

Christel, lovely detail on the white flower. The chinese white worked well here.

Kay, your chief is outstanding. What a wonderful portrait. Love the bright colors of his costume and the beautiful skin tones on his face.

Scamall, I like your single color of the white blossom. I love working in monochrome where you can just focus and shapes and values.

Flowercat, what a cute idea for your dollhouse. I like to work small but I have a feeling my "small" would look huge next to this.

Here's mine for this month. I did the kitty. It's about 6" square in an XL Mix Media Sketch Book. I used inktense pan paints (set 1). I have been playing around with inktense for a while. I like working with them because they layer without running together but they can be a bit tricky to get soft edges since they dry so quickly and are permanent. The technique that seems to work the best for me is to use two brushes, one with color and a water brush to soften edges as I work. Sometimes I use a water brush for the color and sometimes a regular brush.

20220526Sk7 Kitten (HobbyArtist87, CS).png