Little Clearing In The Woods


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Jan 23/24
It has come to my realization that no matter how I try to change my stlye, my style is just an evolution of myself and will continually evolve but without the help of my ego. I am who I am.
Love it. ❤️ It's a beautiful shaft of light and you captured it perfectly on the little trees. Love the reddish brown, and really love the vertical line of the right side tree. Nice framing.

It has come to my realization that no matter how I try to change my stlye, my style is just an evolution of myself and will continually evolve but without the help of my ego. I am who I am.
Then this is the actual lesson learned from all the recent series. ;) You're Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, finding happiness in her own back yard. I love it!
I like what you're doing lately with those flashes of light in a dark scene. Warmer than many of your earlier scenes to my eye.