Remenants Of Fall & Winter


old man
Last Snow.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Jan 24/24 ..
Another little clearing in the bush.
I had a wild thought recently of looking at my reference photos from the woods where I used to live because I miss the trees so much. Then I see a painting like yours and know that I have much work to do before I attempt something like what you've done here, Wayne. There is so much editing to be done -what to leave in, what to leave out - and you included just enough to create the clearing but not so much as to feel overly busy. This is a beauty!
Gorgeous. You have a knack at capturing the moods of nature just with your palette choices and brush/knife work. I agree with Donna- this one's a real beauty. Yum on the warm tones!
Thank you Donna and Terri. I love being on a trail and in the darkness you see an area that allows the sun in.
Donna, don’t be so hard on yourself. We all have some little area where we are comfortable. In real it’s a little lighter than I am seeing on my iPad but I see a difference from my iPad to my pc so the range must be vast over many machines.
Very nice. The little clearing is quite inviting and as Donna says, you know what to keep and what to leave out.💞💕
This is very beautiful. Talking about the different monitors I made mine lighter and this painting glows. A very welcoming clearing, I feel I'm walking into the light. Applause.