Sun and Humidity Drifting Inward


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 14/24
My wife and I visited the beach a few days ago to get a break from the high temps and humidity. I was about 14 degrees lower with a good wind.

distance view

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 14/24
Such a believable atmosphere! I like how you kept the highlights on the waves and a few rock faces a little subdued so we can really feel the effect of the haze and humidity. Even the greens in the foreground are toned down so they don’t become too prominent. I wonder if this is one of those times when you had to rely on your memory because the photos of the scene might not have described it accurately? I love the mood of this one, Wayne.
Thank you Donna .. I missed your deep looking comments. A little of memory but as I took the photo one day before I painted the scene it was fresh in my mind. I was standing on a rock looking out and the difference in the temp from the water to the shore gave it this hazy glow. I work mostly from photos these days so I do know the camera is a bad liar and I must compensate when painting the scene. To make it easier on myself I paint in my 3 to 5 values to establish composition and then I apply the color on top of the block in. Once I have my first pass at local color I then get rid of the reference photo and work only on the painting as it develops.

Thanks John .. I had to scrape the rocks out a few times as I got carried away making shapes instead of random values to form shapes. It's difficult to get loose as I want to but hopefully before I fall and can't get up I will figure it out. Or as I mom use to say .. one day I'll wake up dead.

Thanks John, Bart, & Bethany .. and hello Bethany .. been a long while but I do remember your blues.
I can really feel the summer sky haze in this one, Wayne - terrific job! ❤️
I appreciate the explanation of your process, Wayne. I really need to get rid of the reference photo a lot sooner, before I let it steamroll me and I end up with lifeless copies of photos. 🙄
Thank you Ayin, Terri, and Sanlynn.
Yes Donna…you need your first impressions but the painting should get your attention and if you are not looking at the detail in the photo, you won’t be trying to get it all in.
Great painting! I respect your rocks. I have been procrastinating finishing a large painting for years because I’m so bored with painting rocks and I don’t think I’m particularly good at it.