The Clearing


old man
The Clearing.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Jan 13/24

The Clearing .. all about making a stroke with the knife and leaving it to go over it, maybe.
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Typo fixed. ;)

This is just gorgeous - what a beautiful display of light! You just nailed the foliage color changes when struck by sunlight. The strip of blue sky along the top lends a perfect naturalness to it all. And those blues.....! ❤️

Excellent work!
Terri is right; this is gorgeous and excellent! I think I would have a very hard time leaving each stroke alone because I would want to adjust an edge or put another color on top and soon there would be mud.
Thanks Donna. With a knife i can go over with a light touch while with a brush I can’t.
This is really a nice one. Someone told me once that to say a painting is nice means you don't have anything to say. But to me nice is really good, meaning it has a nice/warm/welcoming feeling. Anyway, I like this a lot!
Thank you Ayin ... light is good .

Thanks Bartc .. glad you had time for a thought and a good observation .. to me, that is what makes the light have force.
Thank you Ayin ... light is good .

Thanks Bartc .. glad you had time for a thought and a good observation .. to me, that is what makes the light have force.
Agreed! Gives it depth and interest, which it would totally lack if not for that masterful rendition.