"Blue Light"


Well-known member
Blue light, fog bright
Power spreading
Earth warped.
Trees bending
About the light.
Around the light
Fog light, blue light.

Blue Light (Sm).jpg

Name: Blue Light
Size: 9x12
Medium: Pastels (Dusties)
Support: ColourFix Paper

After "Blue Light", I was curious if the technique could be used with oil pastels, so...

Moon Glow (Sm) (WC).jpg

Name: Moon Glow
Size: 9x12
Medium: Oil Pastels
Support: Pastel Paper

And the answer is: Yeah, kinda.
The OPs seem to have more vibrancy than the dusties, although adding a light layer of white or pale grey might help.

I think both of these work well, but I just love the colour of the oil pastels.
Both are great. I love that first one. Love the bend of the trees.... almost like they are introducing the moon
Interesting comparison. I have no experience with the oil pastels. I'm a dusty fan. Nice work.
Thanks! A big advantage of OPs is...
No dust!
A big drawback is that OPs readily melt. 🙁
I guess it's kind of a balancing act (water color outside in winter? 🥶) , but they are all fun to play experiment with.

I agree that they both look good! I personally favor the texture that several layers of oil pastels can give. It can take a little time to get there, though.

Here, the softness of the scene shows off those "dusties" very well.
The OP is more vibrant, for sure!

"...I guess it's kind of a balancing act (water color outside in winter? 🥶) , but they are all fun to play experiment with. " --Rich
Maybe add a bit of alcohol?
One famous artist, Larry Seiler suggested
"...I grabbed a coffee can that was empty, put a whole roll of toilet paper inside, and poured a bottle of Isopropyl alcohol in it. This soaks into the roll of paper, and lit on top with a match produces a slow burning blue hot flame. The paper roll turns into a big wick, burns slow...and you put it out by covering and can use another day. I went down the road from the farmhouse we were renting at the time, and set up on the road looking back down. The coffee can heater between my feet below...."
Alcohol in the water would help, too...