Apple Still life - Xpost from still life


Supporting Member
I hope cross posting is allowed. If not let me know and I will not do it again. I rarely do still lifes, but this was a WC Watermedia challenge. The ref photo reminded me of a pastel or oil ptg. In an attempt to try something different, I underpainted the shadows first. The first photo is the ref, second the underpainting with masking, and the last the finished ptg. It is on Arches 140CP, about 8 x 12.



Beautiful Joy. Yes, you can cross post. It's fine with me. Thanks for the progress images. I love that! ♥️
Ayin - Thank you for that info and all you do for CS. I hope to meet many new friends and those from WC.
Wonderful warm colors and good textures. I only would try to get some points even a bit darker to get a greater range of values.
Interesting to see the two stages. I always do shadows at last, but it sounds interesting to do it the other way.
Thanks for sharing.

I too love this ref, I painted it a few years ago!
You‘ve done this well Joy … but I agree that you could go still darker to get that classic feeling of the ref. It’s up to you though, it’s your painting, no one else’s! 👍😀
Thanks Maureen and Esther. I am always timid about going too dark in value, as I don't want a "drab" painting. That is excellent advice.
That’s why I put in the dark values first. It’s easier to progress to less dark Then go all the way to light/white.
Thanks for that tip, Kay. This was an experiment. One never really masters watercolor!