Anyone interested in an abstract challenge?


Contributing Member
Having fun in the other challenges. But wanting to do some abstract work too. I wondered if there would be enough interest if I hosted an abstract challenge for a month? I would give some jumping off points for an abstract piece- like colours or a shape or even a theme( ex, night or dreams), and we could see where that takes us. Any medium. I think it could be fun and cool. Anyone interested? We could start Sept 1st. If there is enough interest I will ask permission to do this. Pls let me know. Thanks!🙂
I would love to participate in an abstract challenge. :D The only problem is that I am a slow worker and will feel that guilty if I don't submit anything on time. So, a yes from me, with the understanding that I will probably let the team down and sometimes not have anything to contribute.
Well, I think it’s good just to get people started. I can be slow too- especially with my health. But what if you just show us what progress you have made and maybe we can keep the thread open so people can update their progress in the future? It’ll still show up in the “new posts” in the future too.😉
I need this! My usual way of doing abstracts is to start with no idea, make a mess and then try to somehow make it work. Having a concept in mind at the start would really challenge me.
You certainly have permission. I would love to participate, too. Though, I'm with Hermes on being a very slow worker. It can take me forever to work in certain mediums. Watercolor, not so much, but oils and mixed media are difficult for me to move fast. It all depends on what I feel like using. ...but I'm excited to try! :)
Oh, that’s great Arty and Donna. OK, I’m going to put my thoughts together and I will post for Sept 1st. We will keep the thread open, so people can post whenever they want as they progress. Seeing the evolution of a piece and the artist’s thoughts along the way is always interesting. Very excited to do this with you all.🙂
Sounds good. Is it true that abstract art is what artists do after getting bored doing the other stuff, and then someone asks what it's supposed to be painting of and you have no good answer so you go back to painting realism vowing to never try that again?
Not true for me or many others i’ve talked to. I feel like I evolved. Years ago I was taught art appreciation in university, so I knew that there was more behind most abstract art. For sure there’s some that just throw paint but there’s different schools of thought about abstract. Sometimes you do it with something in mind. Sometimes not. Sometimes it’s just the love of paint or the medium and how you apply it and what it does. Or perhaps the idea of just color. We tend to judge too quickly how easy it is to make abstract art. To make good abstract art takes some thought and you’re still using the principles of design. It can be very powerful or sublime. Very suggestive of mood states. And if it’s done well, it can lead need to deep thought, or feel immersive. It does not have to be a pretty picture to be enjoyable. It does not have to specifically tell me what IT is, like in representational realistic art. It could be all manner of things. When I see some that is not done so well it can leave me feeling flat or empty. But some run-of-the-mill, usual subjects in realistic art can do the same.
I do like to alternate styles and I was getting very bored with realism. I didn’t really plan to do much abstract, but I was dared to try. I ended up enjoying it. Thinking about what I was doing, my intentions and all the mark making was a challenge and enjoyable. I have worked in both styles at the same time. I definitely think they each feed the other.
Sounds good. Is it true that abstract art is what artists do after getting bored doing the other stuff, and then someone asks what it's supposed to be painting of and you have no good answer so you go back to painting realism vowing to never try that again?
No, but I can only speak for myself.
I would love to participate in an abstract challenge. :D The only problem is that I am a slow worker and will feel that guilty if I don't submit anything on time. So, a yes from me, with the understanding that I will probably let the team down and sometimes not have anything to contribute.
I'm a bit like that too. Have just decided to try to do some small speed works to start with,
I would love to participate in an abstract challenge. :D The only problem is that I am a slow worker and will feel that guilty if I don't submit anything on time. So, a yes from me, with the understanding that I will probably let the team down and sometimes not have anything to contribute.
Not like that for me. I can enjoy, and marvel over, many categories of art. But, I just prefer to express myself in abstract forms. I can dabble and explore happily, but for me, my serious stuff is abstract.
I should have added a smiley face to my post. I was sort of kidding. But that's exactly what happened to me. My mother in law asked what it was supposed to be. :) So I painted over it. Arrrghh. LOL

Yeah abstracts are cool, and harder to do than one might think. At least for me. I see a lot of good ones from the folks here. And I tend to find the abstracts more interesting than realism.