These were done doing my 15 minute quick watercolor sketches/paintings exercise. I had been doing 10 minutes, but found it a bit too short when I accounted time for rinsing my brushes - so I extended to 15 instead:
I'll post my work first and then return to comment when the temperature allows (it's 31C here as of 3pm Aug 25; 24C as of 8am on Aug 26 - and now my images will load - yay!).
Sorry for posting late. The temperatures are really wonky.
Here are my comments:
Kay M - Oooh what a little cutie! And thank you
Anne - pup is fabulous and the cow is striking And thank you
Kay (KreativeK) - great silhouette
joe1lt - great pages of critters Oh more critters - love the pups
Christel - ooh someone is so alert!
Joy - what a magificent beak
Flowercat - I see some fun metallic effects on those birdies I've never heard of metallic watercolours
CaliAnne - lovely washy effects on your birdies And thank you
pcj - thank you
Thanks very much .EP,i love this, Wonderful job.
I made one last drawing I also chose this nice photo, they seem to smile, I designed only one for convenience.thanks for reference and for see.
Joe, the pigeon and dogs have excellent proportions, and the ground hog looks like the ones we have here. EP, you were busy! Great use of complementary colors.