Bongo thank you very much for the video.
I hadn't noticed the channel before, I'm seeing that there are a lot of similar videos, with 100 or more works but of individual artists, many incredible artists, I still haven't seen the whole list of names, I have seen two of these videos for now, the one on Klimt and the one on de chirico. it was already nice to see these and know about it so thank you very much.
about this ranking,
the rankings, I am fighting on the rankings, I think I have to take them with the springs, however, end up intriguing or thinking about it.
personally I would choose 100 artist names and 5 or 6 works for each one but in any case I would be sorry and fought both in the choice of the artists (and I know much less than I deserve or would like to know) or the works.
However I agree with what you have written in the comments and in the lists so many remain out and the tastes will count.
ah, thinking about what he said Stlukesguild,
I think a ranking made with some names taken for each era or movement would be much fairer. (something like that )
in ranking.