What the heck do you look like?

Well, okay... me and my sweetie from around twelve-thirteen years ago, at my mom's house in Florida not long before she died. It was a trying time; I was pretty wasted between that and not yet having found an RA med that worked (hence the wrist bands). I look pretty much the same now but twenty-five pounds lighter. That is my hair we're both holding onto... it's not quite that long anymore.

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Nice pic, what do the wrist bands do for you?
At the time my wrists were extremely painful; I had yet to find a med that worked. The bands helped support them. At night I had to wear wrists braces to keep them from moving at all.
At the time my wrists were extremely painful; I had yet to find a med that worked. The bands helped support them. At night I had to wear wrists braces to keep them from moving at all.
I think you mentioned this once before but I had forgotten. :) sounds like a lot of serious discomfort.
Oh it’s fun seeing your faces, young and older!
Sno you lucky lady, you are gorgeous in May and in December. Some people age so well!
Musket, love seeing all your photos, ages and stages. I always had a feeling you are a smart and cool cat! I hope someday I go silver like your wife. It is beautiful.
Maybenartist- handsome then and now! Nice pics.
ArtyCzar. Well look at you! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🙂🙂
Musket, I am sorry about your wrists. Sounds very difficult to live with. And you use them for almost everything.
Thank you PaintBoss for the compliment. I never thought so but I thank you just the same. 😘
I finally read the entire thread. Love seeing all your faces!
I did have ideas in my mind of what many of you were like. I was pretty close! People think I am male sometimes.
Well maybe I will be brave and not so shy, and post some images. Illness and high steroids/and other awful meds have not been kind- and not even 50 yet- so excuse my vanity if I pick my eras! 🙂😉



What a lovely reply Arty, thank you so much.
It’s a lot like being too self conscious when young and slim about wearing a bikini. Then as you age and lose that girlish figure you realize you should have been doing everything in a bikini when you could! Ha! As an old man said to me, youth is wasted on the young. I have however, more of an I don’t care attitude about a lot of things. Not important things. Just giving up all the notions of control and realizing what is really important. It is freeing. One of the better things about getting older. 🙂
Thank you so much Maybenartist.
You were the one that got me thinking about sharing some photos!😉🙂
I hope you all appreciate my Walter Matthau eyebrows!🤭😁 There is no way I could ever pass as a blonde.😁
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Thank you so much Maybenartist.
You were the one that got me thinking about sharing some photos!😉🙂
I hope you all appreciated my Walter Matthau eyebrows!🤭😁 There is no way I could ever pass as a blonde.😁
Yeah! Sell me them, I'll stick them on the receding parts of my head!
On the other hand, I like em :)
Then as you age [...] you realize you should have been doing everything [...] when you could!
I'm with you there and do feel a lot like this myself (save the bikini-figure-part, which I left out in the above quotation to stress the more general nature of this experience). I guess it's not an unusual feeling for many of us. And it is sad sad sad.

youth is wasted on the young
Yes, a saying that Robbie Williams used in a song (was it "Eternity"?). And it reminds me of another, equally regretting and true word, that - literally - made me cry, why I first read it [at age 22]:
“If youth but knew; if age but could.”