What the heck do you look like?

I had seen the post but then I was ashamed to publish, but I wanted to say that you are all wonderful as people, inside and out as well as artists.
Joe, whenever I see the thread title, What the heck do you look like? the voice inside my head replies, Bloody awful! It just does.

So, in the spirit of this inner self, I am drop dead gorgeous, but my personality stinks! 😁
I guess I will keep it in secret when I really focus on spread my works to the web worldwide; so, this photo is a little confidential, something like "the Bansky secret identity". You are now my accomplices...


I spent years worrying about how I looked. Sure, my face is a little round, a bit yellow, and I'm stuck with a permanent grin, but it's hardly my fault, is it?

This pandemic has been a godsend for me 😷

I spent years worrying about how I looked. Sure, my face is a little round, a bit yellow, and I'm stuck with a permanent grin, but it's hardly my fault, is it?
You resemble a butternut. :LOL:

This pandemic has been a godsend for me 😷
The nice thing about wearing a mask is that people can see by your eyes when you are smiling at them but they can't tell when you are sticking your tongue out at them.
tongue out.gif
I was waiting outside a little shop that had a "two customer" restriction, watching a young woman, having made purchases, gossiping at the checkout, seemingly oblivious to the situation. When another arrived and waited, that was it! I opened the door. "Excuse me," I said, "have you finished?" And she had the nerve to call me cheeky! If I hadn't said anything, we would still be there, dancing the Conga to pass the time.

Just tell yourself that she was having a rough day and needed to talk to someone, it'll be easier to take the frustration. :giggle: