I am working on a bunch of paperwork to donate five pieces to the Cedars Sinai Hospital's art collection. It has to go through an art council committee, as they are pretty picky about the work they accept and they want a whole package of paperwork to go with it. Then their council meets every quarter to decide. They might not take any, but if they do, it would be so nice to get my work in a place that's more important than a museum (to me anyway). I have five pieces in the new UC San Francisco's Precision Cancer Center, which they actually purchased, but I would've actually donated them if necessary. They had a big budget for art, so I figured, sure! Why not? In this case, It's a donation and it would be nice to be in one of their facilities.
Other than that, I'm about to work on a few tiny watercolors. I got a 36-color watercolor pan set I really want to try out and see if I like them. I've never tried pans and I'm going to see if they're for me.
I've been in a bad mood (not really into making art at the moment) because I recently quit smoking again, and am back on my diet too. I lost 40 pounds and now I just gained two back, and I know it's because I recently quit the smokes, so I need to get on top of things. The whole thing sucks. No food, no smokes. I even have to cut down on my coffee. Poor me. Waaa.