What are you up to?

Let's see. My dear wife gave me a couple of small boxes with some of her mom's watercolors. One box had a dozen tubes, half were d-r-y. So I experimented – cut two open, and put the paint rolls into small plastic containers. Added water, and let 'em set. A couple of days later, the yellow one blew its top, and spread "golden goodness" on my workbench. I saved what I could, then looked for the blue. It had blown earlier when I was out of the room. Time to mop the floor...

The paints didn't smell odd, so I guess it was heat that made the contents expand?

Part II
The other box had water colors in ceramic pans, glued to the wood! Some had dried free of the pans, so it was easy to get them out. The pans came out with a little persuasion from a right-angle screwdriver. Some empty pans broke. 😕 Most of the color names (printed on tape) came off, but I realized that I don't usually go by the names, but by the color. Although I do have a non-New Gamboge. (I Google'd it, and I'll try real hard not to ingest it! 🤮)

So, for the terminally curious, here's a picture of the kit:


It looks used because my Mother-in-Law used them!
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We had a nice covering of snow over the weekend, it was below 0⁰C for a few days. I love it when it's that kind of temperature. Sadly it's turned to horrible rain now.

We put our Christmas decorations up at the weekend. We buy something new to put on the tree every year, from where we've been on holiday - we now have a sparkly Empire State Building, a glittery pineapple and a triceratops with a santa hat on 🙂
The snow looked nice there for a bit, didn't it, Wayne? We get it once every couple years way down here- two inches or so, beautiful, everything shuts right down and it melts before noon. *shrug* Desert life.

So, right now, we have 10 arriving for Christmas; all the big jobs are done, but there's a lot of small chores yet and both Dear Husband and I are recovering from something virus-y. I thought it was just "Allergies as in 2019" wherein I developed pneumonia THREE TIMES from the d*mned desert broom crap. But it kept getting worse without being actual pneumonia, chills but no fever, cough, but no wheezing or rales, and then two days ago, it sounded like the same thing was happening to Dear Husband. Bad deal.

I was much better yesterday evening, and he was worse. Today, other than a slight cough, I'm good and he sounds like an entire TB ward. So, soup for supper, and likely breakfast, too (Tortilla Soup made with green enchilada sauce *yum*) and we'll see if he's a bit better by Wednesday morning; then we might be able to toddle on up to Tucson on Thursday to hit Costco to fill in menu chinks while everyone is here. I've been stashing seafood (our Holiday Eve tradition) since Spring when we realized it was really happening; and the Meat Dept Manager at the Commissary gave me a half-off three ribs from the middle of the small end Black Angus roast, (it pays to talk to people) plus a small ham I'll put on the smoker- should do us.

It's the number of chairs I worry about. We have enough chairs, but many are quite... delicate- being hundred-year old cane seated walnut beauties we have collected along the way (DH knows how to cane). I've been asking him to check them all for wobbly bits and fix as needed, and he had just started on that chore when he started his descent into sickness. Now I have to hope he doesn't miss one or two. They are lovely things, just a bit delicate.

First guest arrives on the 11th- the one who always overstays is coming in first. We are hoping this means he will leave by the first week of the New Year- but we often under-estimate his staying power....

I like your tree decorations, Kay. I have our tree up and fluffed, but I threatene-- errr, promised everyone they would get to help decorate (and take it all back down afterwards- I might have said that part really quietly) so that won't get done until @ the 22nd or so.
Love those ornaments, Kay. They are great. That Stonehenge is fantastic! :ROFLMAO:

Jae, I'm so sorry you and your husband have been sick. Sounds like he is having it a lot worse. :( Hope the soup helps.
My friend down the street called to see if I was sick. Two days after the storm and I had not even cleaned my steps. I figured it was all going to melt anyway. He advised me it was starting to freeze and going down to minus eleven F tonight so I had better clear the plow‘s deposits before I had a foot and a half ice wall as well as deep ice ruts where the delivery van went through my circular driveway. So I finished off with the lights and ornaments and the went out with the snowblower. It was a thought 2.5 hours but I got it all done. My wife finished off the tree. Thought it looked cool with my neighbours music studio in the background through the window. Wimpy romanticism but still nice to see.
Thanks Kay. It’s twenty some odd years. They don’t make like this anymore, originally had 600 white lights but over the years they burnt out. We went out to get another 8 ft tree but now they are so skinny and ugly we decided to cut out all the lights then we string it each year. No biggie and we live the multi color better. I must say though I have to tie a rope around the box and haul it upnstairs by the inch. I’m only 72 but well worn and everything gets heavier each year. Once I could carry it and now I drag it. 😥
Well ... here's my Tree & as a rare treat ... an even rarer sighting of the grinch ... run for the hills while you can ... 😲 .


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Kay, I think your ornaments are perfect! :) I hope they give you extra smiles every time you look at your tree.

Wayne, your tree is scraping the ceiling - my kind of tree! :LOL: That shot showing the cozy neighbor's house in the snow is perfect.

Jae, hope your hubby rallies soon. :( It’s never fun to get sick like what you've described, but during the holidays it's even worse.

Iain: I love those purple lights! So pretty! And thank you for including the Grinch. ;)
My friend down the street called to see if I was sick. Two days after the storm and I had not even cleaned my steps. I figured it was all going to melt anyway. He advised me it was starting to freeze and going down to minus eleven F tonight so I had better clear the plow‘s deposits before I had a foot and a half ice wall as well as deep ice ruts where the delivery van went through my circular driveway. So I finished off with the lights and ornaments and the went out with the snowblower. It was a thought 2.5 hours but I got it all done. My wife finished off the tree. Thought it looked cool with my neighbours music studio in the background through the window. Wimpy romanticism but still nice to see.

I was in my thirties before I saw snow for the first time, and I thought it was one of most beautiful things I had ever seen. But it appears that snow has a dark side that those dreaming of a white Christmas conveniently ignore. :D
Finally had cool enough weather again for a bit of a nature walk...

Pretty flowers, though unfortunately not indigenous and indeed somewhat invasive:



I love these big, bumbling carpenter bees:


Somewhat unusual sight: two different species of mousebird in the same tree:

