War on Christmas


Well-known member
Back in the day, disgraced former newsman Bill O'Reilly imagined a war on Christmas. As a street photographer at the time, I became a foot soldier in that war for two years.

1st year:
2nd year

comments welcomed
I like your evocative photos very much and would love to see more.
Thank you!

Here's some street photograph - these are all candid shots, meaning I snuck up on them and took their picture without them knowing. At the time I was using first and second generation DSLR's with kit lenses - they being the size of a half loaf of bread+ - it was quite the challenge.,

comments welcomed
Oh wow, Bongo. These are fantastic!! I see so many images here that are “paint worthy.” I mean, they’re great in their own right as photos of course….but as a long time appropriator (errr “borrowerer“) these are just the kinds of images I’m drawn to. They have a mysterious, edgy narrative. Love….
Wonderful street photography, Bongo! Love these. ❤️ It's a tougher genre than one would think, and you've nailed it.
Wayne, Ayin,OO,ZD, Terri thank you - much appreciated.

My street photography was on the backs of Gary Winogrand, Stephen Shore, and the like. But, in my opinion, cell phone photography and the new paradigm on the streets have brought to a close that once proud tradition.

Wayne - O'Reilly thought there was some organized sinister cabal out to merchandise and denigrate Christmas. What I found instead were unintentional juxtapositions and cavalier decorations.
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