It is a juried show and there are prizes. We will be notified of acceptance on Jan 14 and the show goes up Feb7 - Mar 31. There are some good artists. Albert Handel will probably enter. He is probably the most "famous" of members. You can check it out on They will have an in-person show at the Austin Fine Art Gallery in Austin but the awards will be on Zoom. Sort of weird. I've been a member since 1998 and have only garnished Honorable Mention. You never know. Desmond O'Hagan was the judge one year and he said that it was all so subjective. He had picked his winners on line and then changed when he saw them in person. He said it depended on the day as to which paintings he liked. So there you are. Anyone can win. Can't have hurt feelings if you don't, different judge, different winners.Wow! These are excellent. Really impressive works. Can you win first prize in this? (Is it that kind of show?) If so, you will!
Thanks. I like painting geraniums. Well anything red.Well done. My favorite are the geraniums too. Good luck for the show.
Thank you Wayne. I had to look her up as well. Some beautiful works.Hi Jo. Just looked up Lyn. She is a very very good artist. Her color sense is amazing.
Thanks, laika. The geraniums are winning if there was a poll. I like them, too.They are all great, but I am partial to the geraniumsVery well done!
The annual juried show for the Austin Pastel Society deadline was today. I wasn't going to enter but they needed more paintings so I started last week and painted three. We will see what gets in the show this weekend I think. They finally got about 75 paintings submitted for 60 slots so chances are pretty good. The judge is Lyn Asselta.
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Puddles - Pastel on Pastelbord - 12 x 12 inches
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Potted Reds - Pastel on Pastelbord - 9 x 1
The Blues - Pastel on Pastelbord - 8 x 10
blues in the 3rd one, so engaging. Wonderful pieces!
Claudia, thank you so much. It was good to play in the dust.These are fab! So vibrant and fresh. I can't decide a favourite, it's between the geraniums and the landscape.
Thanks, Donna. It is especially nice since I haven't been painting much.That's good news, Jo! It's a beautiful landscape. Congrats on being chosen!
That's great - congratulations! It is a very beautiful landscape.The judge selected, "Puddles", the landscape/trees.