Hanging in Soft Pastels (cross posted in Scavenger Hunt from Life 85)

Jo Castillo

Contributing Member

Hanging, Pastel on recycled Pastelbord, 8 x 10 inches, a mixture of soft pastels.

The item for the Scavenger Hunt was Hanging. I would have liked to have clothes hanging on a line but our Hunts are from life and I didn't have any clothes hanging on the line. These toys and bags and balloon hang on the wall in my studio.

I wiped off another sketch of a dog from the board and put on a messy under painting of pastel spread with alcohol so it would dry quickly. I planned to have a mottled background by spraying with water but decided it was too busy for the number of items so I smoothed it out. Not counting a few interruptions I worked on it about an hour and a half or so.


The under painting after the alcohol. There was obviously something else on the canvas that left a red stain. Maybe apples or geraniums - favorites to paint. I do tend to use my surfaces a few times.
Thank you Artyczar. I do like pastels. They are so forgiving and ready and waiting, no waiting for paint to dry. Well, a few minutes wait on this one for the alcohol to dry. Ha.
love your loose style on this one. Green and pink go so well together it's almost cheating.
Well lookee you!

This is terrific! I've seen the alcohol wash used before- it worked well here, didn't it? This is so nicely done- your textures are terrific!

Good work!
Bongo, thanks. Sometimes color can cover mistakes. Ha.

JStarr, thank you. I use under painting a lot. In this case after wiping off the canvas it created a "new" mottled surface.

Appreciate the comments and likes!