Shoot out at the OK Corral


Well-known member
Had a great time today with 30 of our group at a Western "town" setting on the coast. I first sketched the panorama in pen, because it was far too detailed to try in pastel for me. That came out fine. Then a pastel of an old stage coach in a dark barn, which I didn't particularly like. Ah well....
Long Branch Saloon pen sketch.jpg
Long Branch stage coach 2022.jpg
I think it's great that you have 30 in a painting group, Bart! Looks like you had a fun day! I like the drawing and the pastel. Both give a real flavor for the location and the period in time and you might not have been as successful with that if you had done these subjects from photos.
Thank you, Donna.
Actually we have 120 registered painters, but realistically only half of them attend and most dates about 25. Just the way it works on a group. The regulars have a blast together.